
        Create a new self extracting zip.
        This function takes 2 mandatory params path and destination.
        Path is the folder structure to turn into SE.
        Destination is the path to place the SE
        the folder or file path of the struture that will generate a SE.
        the Path must exist
    .PARAMETER Destination
        the Destination path to write the SE.
        The path needs to include the filename to be created SomeSE.exe
    .PARAMETER SelfExtractorOption
        Ionic.Zip.SelfExtractorSaveOptions object like that returned by New-SelfExtractorOption.
        PS C:\> New-FPSelfExtractor -Path 'C:\Dev\Module\Log' -Destination 'C:\Dev\Packages\Log.exe' -SelfExtractorOption $Options
        do not write to network paths it will fail. create the SE on the local filesystem then copy out to a drop.

function New-SelfExtractor {
        if( Test-Path $PSItem ) { return $true }
        throw "The path $PSItem does not exist"

        if ("$PSItem".EndsWith('.exe')) { return $true }
        throw 'The Destination must include the file name ending with .exe'


    $DestDir = Split-Path $Destination -Parent
    if( -not ( Test-Path $DestDir)) {
    if( Test-Path "$Destination" ){
        Remove-Item "$Destination" -Force

    $Zip = New-Object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile
    $Zip.SaveSelfExtractor("$Destination", $SelfExtractorOption)