
        returns a self extractor options object
        The object returned contains the extractor options that control
        how the extractor looks, feels, and acts
    .PARAMETER Copyright
        A string to embed in extractor.
        Example - (c) 2018 PSSelfExtactor
    .PARAMETER DefaultExtractDirectory
        The perfered destination of the extractor.
    .PARAMETER Description
        A description of the contents of the extractor
    .PARAMETER ExtractExistingFileAction
        Controls what to do if an existing file already is contained in the destination.
        Defaults to Throw
    .PARAMETER FileVersion
        The version to apply to the extractor Major.Minor.Patch.Build.
    .PARAMETER Flavor
        The type of extractor ConsoleApplication, WinFormsApplication.
        Defaults to WinFormsApplication
    .PARAMETER IconFile
        The ico file to apply to the package.
    .PARAMETER ProductName
        The name of the product contained inside the extractor.
    .PARAMETER Quiet
        Controls wether the extractor emits additional messages after being invoked.
        if this switch is included in the call all messages will be suppressed when the extractor is invoked.
        PS C:\> $SFXOptions = New-SelfExtractorOption -DefaultExtractDirectory 'C:\Extracted' -ProductName 'MyModule'

function New-SelfExtractorOption {
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="A copyright string to embed in extractor")]
        $Copyright = "(c) $(( Get-Date ).Year ) PSSelfExtractor",

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="The default extraction path")]
        $DefaultExtractDirectory = 'C:\',

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="A description of the extractor")]
        $Description = "Created by Ionic.Zip and PSSelfExtractor",

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Action to take if the extractors destination already exists Throw, OverwriteSilently, DoNotOverwrite")]
        $ExtractExistingFileAction = 'Throw',

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Version in form of Major.Minor.Patch.Build i.e.")]
        $FileVersion = "$(Get-Date -f",

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Type of Extractor to create. ConsoleApplication, WinFormsApplication")]
        $Flavor = 'WinFormsApplication',

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to a .ico file to embed in extractor")]
        $IconFile = "",

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Product name being archived in the extractor")]
        $ProductName = "PSSelfExtractor",

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Controls if the extractor emits additional messages after being invoked")]

    $Options = New-Object Ionic.Zip.SelfExtractorSaveOptions
    $Options.Copyright = $Copyright
    $Options.DefaultExtractDirectory = $DefaultExtractDirectory
    $Options.Description = $Description
    $Options.ExtractExistingFile = $ExtractExistingFileAction
    $Options.FileVersion = $FileVersion
    $Options.Flavor = $Flavor
    $Options.IconFile = $IconFile
    $Options.ProductName = $ProductName
    $Options.ProductVersion = $FileVersion.ToString()
    $Options.SfxExeWindowTitle = $ProductName
    $Options.Quiet = $Quiet.ToBool()
    Write-Output $Options