
function Get-RegDefault

           Retrieves registry default string (REG_SZ) value from local or remote computers.
           Use Get-RegDefault to retrieve registry default string (REG_SZ) value from local or remote computers.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
            An array of computer names. The default is the local computer.
           The HKEY to open, from the RegistryHive enumeration. The default is 'LocalMachine'.
           Possible values:
        - ClassesRoot
        - CurrentUser
        - LocalMachine
        - Users
        - PerformanceData
        - CurrentConfig
        - DynData
           The path of the registry key to open.
        $Key = "SOFTWARE\MyCompany"
        "SERVER1","SERVER2","SERVER3" | Set-RegDefault -Key $Key -Ping
        ComputerName Hive Key Value Data Type
        ------------ ---- --- ----- ---- ----
        SERVER1 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\MyCompany (Default) MyDefaultValue String
        SERVER2 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\MyCompany (Default) MyDefaultValue String
        SERVER3 LocalMachine SOFTWARE\MyCompany (Default) MyDefaultValue String
        Gets the reg default value of the SOFTWARE\MyCompany subkey on three remote computers local machine hive (HKLM) .
        Ping each server before setting the value.
        PSFanatic.Registry.RegistryValue (PSCustomObject)
        Author: Shay Levy
        Blog :

            HelpMessage="An array of computer names. The default is the local computer."
            HelpMessage="The HKEY to open, from the RegistryHive enumeration. The default is 'LocalMachine'."
            HelpMessage="The path of the subkey to open."


            Write-Verbose "Enter process block..."
        foreach($c in $ComputerName)
                if($c -eq "")
                    Write-Verbose "Parameter [ComputerName] is not present, setting its value to local computer name: [$c]."
                    Write-Verbose "Parameter [Ping] is present, initiating Ping test"
                    if( !(Test-Connection -ComputerName $c -Count 1 -Quiet))
                        Write-Warning "[$c] doesn't respond to ping."

                Write-Verbose "Starting remote registry connection against: [$c]."
                Write-Verbose "Registry Hive is: [$Hive]."
                $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]$Hive,$c)        
                Write-Verbose "Open remote subkey: [$Key]."
                $subKey = $reg.OpenSubKey($Key)
                    Throw "Key '$Key' doesn't exist."
                $pso = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Write-Verbose "Adding format type name to custom object."

                Write-Verbose "Closing remote registry connection on: [$c]."
                Write-Error $_
        Write-Verbose "Exit process block..."