
function Compress-IISLog

    Performs gzip compression of IIS logs
    Reads original logs from source directory and saves compressed logs to destination directory. The original files will be deleted after compression. The script won't rotate files which have been modified today.
    Compress-IISLogs -SourceDirectory D:\Log -DestinationDirectory D:\Archive

    #region Params
        # Source directory to read files from
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'container'})]
        # Destination directory to write archives to
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]

    $SourceDirectory = $Path
    $DestinationDirectory = $Destination

    Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory -Recurse -Exclude "*.gz"|ForEach-Object {
        if ($($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory) -ne [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory)
            #Current file
            $curFile = $_

            #Check the file wasn't modified today
            if ($curFile.LastWriteTime.Date -ne [System.DateTime]::Today)

                $containedDir = $curFile.Directory.FullName.Replace($SourceDirectory, $DestinationDirectory)

                #if target directory doesn't exist - create
                if ($(Test-Path -Path "$containedDir") -eq $false)
                    New-Item -Path "$containedDir" -ItemType directory|Out-Null

                Compress-File -InputFile $curFile -OutputFile "$containedDir\$($curFile.Name).gz"
                Remove-Item -Path $curFile
function Compress-File
    #region Params
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'leaf'})]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]

    #Creating buffer with size 8MB
    $bytesGZipFileBuffer = New-Object -TypeName byte[](8192)

    $streamGZipFileInput = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream($InputFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)
    $streamGZipFileOutput = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream($OutputFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Write)
    $streamGZipFileArchive = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Compression.GZipStream($streamGZipFileOutput, [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)

    for ($iBytes = $streamGZipFileInput.Read($bytesGZipFileBuffer, 0, $bytesGZipFileBuffer.Count);
        $iBytes -gt 0;
        $iBytes = $streamGZipFileInput.Read($bytesGZipFileBuffer, 0, $bytesGZipFileBuffer.Count))

        $streamGZipFileArchive.Write($bytesGZipFileBuffer, 0, $iBytes)


    Get-Item $OutputFile
function Get-FileList
    #region Param
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
        $ListEmptyFolders = $false
        $excludeItems = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

        Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force $Path|ForEach-Object {
            $fileCurrent = $_
            $itemIsNotExcluded = $true
            $itemIsFolder = $fileCurrent.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory
            $folderIsEmpty = $itemIsFolder -and $ListEmptyFolders -and @(Get-ChildItem -Path $fileCurrent.FullName|Select-Object -First 1).Count -eq 0
            $itemIsReparsePoint = $fileCurrent.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint
            $itemToBeRemoved = (!$itemIsFolder -or ($itemIsFolder -and $folderIsEmpty)) -and !$itemIsReparsePoint

            if ($itemIsReparsePoint)
                $itemIsNotExcluded = $false
                $itemIsNotExcluded = $null -eq ($excludeItems | Where-Object {
                        $fileCurrent.FullName -match [regex]::Escape($_.FullName )

            if ($itemToBeRemoved -and $itemIsNotExcluded)
                Write-Output $fileCurrent

function Remove-IISLogSize
    #region Param
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( {{Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'container'}})]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 1)]

    #Converting to List, otherwise array is fixed size
    $sortedList = [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Object, mscorlib, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089]]](Get-FileList -Path $Path|Sort-Object CreationTime)
    $folderSize = ($sortedList| Measure-Object -property length -sum).Sum

    while ($folderSize -gt $Size)

        $item = $sortedList[0]

        Remove-Item -Path $item.FullName

        $folderSize -= $item.Length
        Write-Output $item

function Remove-IISLogCount
    #region Param
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( {{Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'container'}})]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 1)]

    $sortedList = Get-FileList -Path $Path|Sort-Object CreationTime
    #Number of files for removing
    $removeCount = $sortedList.Count - $KeepFiles

    if ($removeCount -gt 0)
        $sortedList|Select-Object -First $removeCount|ForEach-Object {
            Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName
            Write-Output $_

function Remove-IISLogOlder
    #region Param
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( {{Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'container'}})]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
        $RemoveEmptyFolders = $false

    Get-FileList -Path $Path -ListEmptyFolders $RemoveEmptyFolders|Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $Older}|ForEach-Object {
        Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName
        Write-Output $_
function Remove-IISLog
        Removes logs
        Log removing based on directory size, files count, files age
        C:\PS> Remove-IISLog -Path C:\Inetpub\Logs -FolderSize 100MB
        Removes old files and keeps only 100MB of the newest files
        C:\PS> Remove-IISLog -Path C:\Inetpub\Logs -KeepFiles 10
        Keeps 10 newest files
        C:\PS> Remove-IISLog -Path D:\Logs2 -Older ([datetime]::now.AddDays(-10))
        Removes files older 10 days

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FolderSize')]
    #region Param
        # Path to log directory
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( {{Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType 'container'}})]
        # Folder size to keep
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'FolderSize')]
        # Number of files to keep
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'FilesNumber')]
        # Remove files older than specified
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $false,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'FilesAge')]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            Remove-IISLogSize -Path $Path -Size $FolderSize
            Remove-IISLogCount -Path $Path -KeepFiles $KeepFiles
            Remove-IISLogOlder -Path $Path -Older $Older -RemoveEmptyFolders $RemoveEmptyFolders