
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

# Rules for Network Security Groups (NSGs)

#region Rules

# Synopsis: Network security groups should avoid any inbound rules
Rule 'Azure.NSG.AnyInboundSource' -Type 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; ruleSet = '2020_06' } {
    $inboundRules = @(GetOrderedNSGRules -Direction Inbound);
    $rules = $inboundRules | Where-Object {
        $ -eq 'Allow' -and
        $ -eq '*'
    $Null -eq $rules;

# Synopsis: Avoid blocking all inbound network traffic
Rule 'Azure.NSG.DenyAllInbound' -Type 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; ruleSet = '2020_06' } {
    Reason $LocalizedData.AllInboundRestricted;
    $inboundRules = @(GetOrderedNSGRules -Direction Inbound);
    $denyRules = @($inboundRules | Where-Object {
        $ -eq 'Deny' -and
        $ -eq '*'
    $Null -eq $denyRules -or $denyRules.Length -eq 0 -or $denyRules[0].name -ne $inboundRules[0].name

# Synopsis: Lateral traversal from application servers should be blocked
Rule 'Azure.NSG.LateralTraversal' -Type 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups' -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; ruleSet = '2020_06' } {
    $nsg = [PSRule.Rules.Azure.Runtime.Helper]::GetNetworkSecurityGroup(@(GetOrderedNSGRules -Direction Outbound));

    $rdp = $nsg.Outbound('VirtualNetwork', 3389);
    $ssh = $nsg.Outbound('VirtualNetwork', 22);

    if (($rdp -eq 'Allow' -or $rdp -eq 'Default') -and ($ssh -eq 'Allow' -or $ssh -eq 'Default')) {
        return $Assert.Fail($LocalizedData.LateralTraversalNotRestricted);
    return $Assert.Pass();

# Synopsis: Network security groups should be associated to either a subnet or network interface
Rule 'Azure.NSG.Associated' -Type 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups' -If { IsExport } -Tag @{ release = 'GA'; ruleSet = '2020_06' } {
    # NSG should be associated to either a subnet or network interface
    Reason $LocalizedData.ResourceNotAssociated
    $Assert.HasFieldValue($TargetObject, 'Properties.subnets').Result -or
        $Assert.HasFieldValue($TargetObject, 'Properties.networkInterfaces').Result

#endregion Rules

#region Helper functions

# Get a sorted list of NSG rules
function global:GetOrderedNSGRules {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet('Inbound', 'Outbound')]
    process {
        $ |
            Where-Object { $ -eq $Direction } |
            Sort-Object @{ Expression = { $_.Properties.priority }; Descending = $False }

#endregion Helper functions