
function New-RyverMessage
        Construct a new Ryver message
        Construct a new Ryver message
        Note that this does not send a message
        It produces a message to send with Send-RyverMessage
    .PARAMETER Channel
        Channel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
        Text of the message to send
        See formatting spec for more information.
    .PARAMETER Username
        Set your bot's user name. Must be used in conjunction with as_user set to false, otherwise ignored
        See authorship details:
    .PARAMETER IconUrl
        URL to an image to use as the icon for this message.
        If using a token, must be used in conjunction with as_user set to false, otherwise ignored.
        See authorship details:
    .PARAMETER IconEmoji
        Emoji to use as the icon for this message.
        Overrides icon_url.
        If using a token, must be used in conjunction with as_user set to false, otherwise ignored
        Use true to post the message as the authed user, instead of as a bot. Defaults to false.
        Only used when authorizing with a token
        See authorship details:
    .PARAMETER LinkNames
        Find and link channel names and usernames.
    .PARAMETER Parse
        Change how messages are treated. Defaults to none
        If set to full, channels like #general and usernames like @bob will be linkified.
        More details here:
    .PARAMETER UnfurlLinks
        Use true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
    .PARAMETER UnfurlMedia
        Use false to disable unfurling of media content.
    .PARAMETER Attachments
        Optional rich structured message attachments.
        Provide one or more hash tables created using New-RyverMessageAttachment
        See attachments spec
        # This is a simple example illustrating some common options
        # when constructing a message attachment
        # giving you a richer message
        $Token = 'A token. maybe from'
        New-RyverMessageAttachment -Color $ `
                                   -Title 'The System Is Down' `
                                   -TitleLink `
                                   -Text 'Please Do The Needful' `
                                   -Pretext 'Everything is broken' `
                                   -AuthorName 'SCOM Bot' `
                                   -AuthorIcon '' `
                                   -Fallback 'Your client is bad' |
            New-RyverMessage -Channel '@tlindsay42' `
                             -IconEmoji :bomb: |
            Send-RyverMessage -Token $Token
        # Create a message attachment with details about an alert
        # Attach this to a ryver message sending to the devnull channel
        # Send the newly created message using a token
        # This example demonstrates that you can chain new attachments
        # together to form a multi-attachment message
        $Token = 'A token. maybe from'
        New-RyverMessageAttachment -Color $ `
                                   -Title 'The System Is Down' `
                                   -TitleLink `
                                   -Text 'Everybody panic!' `
                                   -Pretext 'Everything is broken' `
                                   -Fallback 'Your client is bad' |
            New-RyverMessageAttachment -Color $ `
                                       -Title 'The Other System Is Down' `
                                       -TitleLink `
                                       -Text 'Please Do The Needful' `
                                       -Fallback 'Your client is bad' |
            New-RyverMessage -Channel '@tlindsay42' `
                             -IconEmoji :bomb: `
                             -AsUser `
                             -Username 'SCOM Bot' |
            Send-RyverMessage -Token $Token
        # Create an attachment, create another attachment,
        # add these to a message,
        # and send with a token
        # This example illustrates a pattern where you might
        # want to send output from a script; you might
        # include errors, successful items, or other output
        # Pretend we're in a script, and caught an exception of some sort
        $Fail = [pscustomobject]@{
            samaccountname = 'bob'
            operation = 'Remove privileges'
            status = "An error message"
            timestamp = (Get-Date).ToString()
        # Create an array from the properties in our fail object
        $Fields = @()
        foreach($Prop in $Fail.psobject.Properties.Name)
            $Fields += @{
                title = $Prop
                value = $Fail.$Prop
                short = $true
        $Token = 'A token. maybe from'
        # Construct and send the message!
        New-RyverMessageAttachment -Color $ `
                                   -Title 'Failed to process account' `
                                   -Fields $Fields `
                                   -Fallback 'Your client is bad' |
            New-RyverMessage -Channel 'devnull' |
            Send-RyverMessage -Uri $uri
        # We build up a pretend error object, and send each property to a 'Fields' array
        # Creates an attachment with the fields from our error
        # Creates a message fromthat attachment and sents it with a uri

        [String] $Channel,
        [String] $Text,
        [String] $Username,
        [String] $IconUrl,
        [String] $IconEmoji,

        [ValidateSet('full','none' )]
        [String] $Parse,

        [ValidateSet($true, $false)]

        [ValidateSet($true, $false)]

                   ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        [PSTypeName('PSRyver.MessageAttachment' )]
        $AllAttachments = @()
        foreach($Attachment in $Attachments)
            $AllAttachments += $Attachment
        $body = @{}

        switch ($psboundparameters.keys) {
            'channel'     { $      = $Channel}
            'text'        { $body.text         = $text}
            'username'    { $body.username     = $username}
            'asuser'     { $body.as_user       = $AsUser}
            'iconurl'     { $body.icon_url     = $iconurl}
            'iconemoji'   { $body.icon_emoji   = $iconemoji}
            'linknames'   { $body.link_names   = 1}
            'Parse'       { $body.Parse        = $Parse}
            'UnfurlLinks' { $body.Unfurl_Links = $UnfurlLinks}
            'UnfurlMedia' { $body.Unfurl_Media = $UnfurlMedia}
            'iconurl'     { $body.icon_url     = $iconurl}
            'attachments' { $body.attachments   = @($AllAttachments)}

        Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $body -TypeName PSRyver.Message