
function SVG.GoogleFont {
        SVG Google Font
        Imports a Google Font into SVG.
        Imported Google Fonts will not render when SVGs are linked as images.
        To use an imported Google Fonts, either load the SVG alone in it's own frame or embed the SVG directly in HTML.
        SVG @(
            SVG.Defs @(
                SVG.GoogleFont -FontName "La Belle Aurore"
            SVG.Text -Text "Fancy Text" -X 50% -Y 50% -TextAnchor 'middle' -Style "font-family: 'La Belle Aurore'"
        ) -Viewbox 100,100 -OutputPath .\FancyText.svg

    # The name of the font.
    dynamicParam {
    $baseCommand = 
        if (-not $script:SVGStyle) {
            $script:SVGStyle = 
        } else {
    $IncludeParameter = @()
    $ExcludeParameter = 'Type'
    $DynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()            
    :nextInputParameter foreach ($paramName in ([Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$baseCommand).Parameters.Keys) {
        if ($ExcludeParameter) {
            foreach ($exclude in $ExcludeParameter) {
                if ($paramName -like $exclude) { continue nextInputParameter}
        if ($IncludeParameter) {
            $shouldInclude = 
                foreach ($include in $IncludeParameter) {
                    if ($paramName -like $include) { $true;break}
            if (-not $shouldInclude) { continue nextInputParameter }
        $DynamicParameters.Add($paramName, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new(
        process {
        $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('FontName')
        $extraContent = ''
        if ($FontName) {
            $fontUri = 
                if ($FontName -like 'http*') {
                } else {
            if ($PSBoundParameters['Content']) {
                $extraContent = $PSBoundParameters['Content']
        elseif ($PSBoundParameters['Content'] -match '^http') {
            $fontUri = $PSBoundParameters['Content']
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Content')
        $PSBoundParameters['type'] = 'text/css'
        $stylesheetContent = "@import url('$fontUri')"
        if ($extraContent) {
            $PSBoundParameters['Content'] = @(@($stylesheetContent) + $extraContent) -join [Environment]::NewLine
        } else {
            $PSBoundParameters['Content'] = $stylesheetContent
        }        @PSBoundParameters