
function SVG.RegularPolygon {
        SVG Regular Polygon
        Creates a Regular Polygon of an number of sides.

# The number of sides in the polygon
# The initial rotation of the polygon.
    $Rotate = 0,
# The center X coordinate for the polygon.
    $CenterX = 1,
# The center Y coordinate for the polygon.
    $CenterY = 1,
# The radius of the polygon.
    $Radius = 1
dynamicParam {
    $baseCommand = 
        if (-not $script:SVGPolygon) {
            $script:SVGPolygon = 
        } else {
    $IncludeParameter = @()
    $ExcludeParameter = 'Points'
    $DynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()            
    :nextInputParameter foreach ($paramName in ([Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$baseCommand).Parameters.Keys) {
        if ($ExcludeParameter) {
            foreach ($exclude in $ExcludeParameter) {
                if ($paramName -like $exclude) { continue nextInputParameter}
        if ($IncludeParameter) {
            $shouldInclude = 
                foreach ($include in $IncludeParameter) {
                    if ($paramName -like $include) { $true;break}
            if (-not $shouldInclude) { continue nextInputParameter }
        $DynamicParameters.Add($paramName, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new(
    process {
        # We can construct a regular polygon by creating N points along a unit circle
        $anglePerPoint = 360 / $SideCount
        $r = $Radius
        $angle = $Rotate
        $points = @(
        foreach ($sideNumber in 1..$SideCount) {
            $pointY = $centerY + $r * [math]::round([math]::cos($angle * [Math]::PI/180),15)
            $pointX = $centerX + $r * [math]::round([math]::sin($angle * [Math]::PI/180),15)
            "$pointX, $pointY"
            $angle += $anglePerPoint
        }) -join ' '
        $myParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
        $myParams["Points"] = $points
        svg.Polygon @myParams  