
    Gets activities for Minions.
    This function will use the Invoke-SaltStackAPIMethod command to query the get_returns method on the ret resource to return Activities.
    This will return the 50 most recent activities in SaltStack Config. 50 is the default limit.
    Get-MinionActivity -Limit 150
    This will return the 150 most recent activities in SaltStack Config by changing Limit to 150.
    Get-MinionActivity -MinionID 'minionname'
    This will return the 50 most recent activities for the MinionID provided
    Get-MinionActivity -MinionID 'minionname' -JobID '20210204178834112766'
    This will return the activity in JobId 20210204570834112766 for the provided MinionID
    Get-MinionActivity -Function state.apply
    This will return the 50 most recent activities in SaltStack Config that use the function state.apply.
    General notes

function Get-MinionActivity {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        # MinionID
        # JobId
        # Function
        # Limit
        $Limit = 50,
        # HasErrors
        # SortBy
        $SortBy = 'jid',
        # SortOrder
        $SortOrder = 'Descending'
        # Start
        # End

    # Check to see if there is an existing connection to SaltStack
    if (!$global:SaltConnection) {
        Write-Error 'You are not currently connected to any SaltStack servers. Please connect first using Connect-SaltStackConfig.'

    $arguments = @{}


    if ($SortOrder -eq 'Descending') {

    if ($MinionID) {


    if ($JobID) {

    if ($Function) {

    if ($HasErrors) {

    $return = Invoke-SaltStackAPIMethod -Resource ret -Method get_returns -Arguments $arguments

    $results = $return.ret.results

    $activity = @()

    foreach ($result in $results) {
        $inDesiredState = @()
        $notInDesiredState = @()
        $resultsArray = @()

        $resultProperties = $result.return.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

        $minionChanged = $false

        foreach ($resultProperty in $resultProperties) {

            if ($result.return.$resultProperty.comment -ne  'State was not run because none of the onchanges reqs changed') {

                $changed = $false

                $testChange = $result.return.$resultProperty.changes.PSObject.members | Select-Object -First 1

                if ($testChange.OverloadDefinitions) {
                    $changed = $false
                } else {
                    $changed = $true
                    $minionChanged = $true

                $resultsObj = $null

                $resultsObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    ID        = $result.return.$resultProperty.__id__
                    Result    = $result.return.$resultProperty.result
                    Command   = $resultProperty
                    StartTime = $result.return.$resultProperty.start_time
                    Duration  = $result.return.$resultProperty.Duration
                    Changes   = $result.return.$resultProperty.changes
                    PChanges  = $result.return.$resultProperty.pchanges
                    SLS       = $result.return.$resultProperty.__sls__
                    Comment   = $result.return.$resultProperty.comment
                    Name      = $result.return.$
                    RunNum    = $result.return.$resultProperty.__run_num__
                    SkipWatch = $result.return.$resultProperty.skip_watch
                    Changed   = $changed

                $resultsArray += $resultsObj

                if ($changed) {
                    $notInDesiredState += $resultsObj
                } else {
                    $inDesiredState += $resultsObj


        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            MinionID = $result.minion_id
            JID = $result.jid
            Date = ([DateTime]$result.alter_time).ToLocalTime()
            Function = $
            Arguments = $result.fun_args.mods
            Changes = $minionChanged
            HasErrors = $result.has_errors
            Results = $resultsArray
            InDesiredState = $inDesiredState
            NotInDesiredState = $notInDesiredState

        $activity += $obj


    Write-Output $activity | Select-Object MinionID,JID,Date,Function,Arguments,Changes,HasErrors,Results,InDesiredState,NotInDesiredState