
    Gets a grain(s) of a Target. Defaut TargetType is glob.
    This function will use the Invoke-SaltStackAPIMethod command to query the route_cmd method on the cmd resource to return a Target's grain(s).
    Get-MinionGrain -Target computername
    This will query SaltStack Config for a vailid key associated with the Target then return all grains for that minion.
    Get-MinionGrain -Target computername -Grain osfullname
    This will query SaltStack Config for a valid key associated with the Target then return the 'osfullname' grain for that minion.
    Get-MinionGrain -Target 'G@id:web*' -TargetType compound -Grain osfullname
    This will query SaltStack Config using the Target compound and return the 'osfullname' grain for the minions where ID starts with "web".
    Get-MinionGrain -Target 'id:web* and os:Windows' -TargetType grain -Grain osfullname
    This will query SaltStack Config using the Target grains and return the 'osfullname' grain for the minions whose id starts with 'web' and where the os is Windows.
    General notes

function Get-MinionGrain {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $TargetType = 'glob',
        $Master = '*', # Default to '*' for "All Masters". To do: add ability to pass multiple masters
        $Timeout = 300,
        $Async = $false

    # Check to see if there is an existing connection to SaltStack
    if (!$global:SaltConnection) {
        Write-Error 'You are not currently connected to any SaltStack servers. Please connect first using Connect-SaltStackConfig.'

    # Needs to be all lowercase
    $TargetType = $TargetType.ToLower()
    $array = @()

    if ($TargetType -eq 'glob') {
        $minionKeyState = Get-MinionKeyState -MinionID $Target

        if ($minionKeyState.key_state -ne 'accepted') {
            Write-Error "The key for $Target is not currently accepted or it doesn't exist."

        $tgtValue = $minionKeyState.minion

    if ($TargetType -in 'compound','grain','list') {
        $tgtValue = $Target

    $tgt = @{
        $Master = @{ tgt = $tgtValue; tgt_type = $TargetType}

    if ($Grain) {
        $function = 'grains.get'
        $array = @(,$Grain)
    } else {
        $function = 'grains.items'

    $arguments = @{
        cmd = 'local'
        fun = $function
        tgt = $tgt

    if ($Grain) {
        $arg = @{
            arg = $array
        $arguments.Add('arg', $arg)

    $return = Invoke-SaltStackAPIMethod -Resource cmd -Method route_cmd -Arguments $arguments

    $jobID = $return.ret

    if ($return.error) {
        $errorDetail = $return.error.detail.state
        $errorMessage = $return.error.message
        Write-Error "$errorMessage - $errorDetail"
    } else {
        if ($Async) {
            Write-Output $return
        } else {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
            Wait-SaltJob -JobID $jobid -Timeout $Timeout | Out-Null
            $results = Get-SaltJobResults -JobID $jobID
            Write-Output $results