
$BuildUtilsFileContent = @"
    Published a PowerShell Module to a network share.
    Written by Michael Willis xainey@github - htts://github.com/xainey.
function Publish-SMBModule {
    # Test if the repository is registered.
    Write-Verbose ("Checking if Repository: {0} is registered." -f `$RepositoryName)
    if (!(Get-PSRepository -Name `$RepositoryName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        # Check if the Network Path exists.
        if(!(Test-Path `$RepositoryPath)) {
            throw "The path does not exist. Please connect to the share."
        } else {
            # Register the Repository.
            Write-Verbose("Registering Repository: {0}." -f `$RepositoryName)
            Register-PSRepository `
                -Name `$RepositoryName `
                -SourceLocation `$RepositoryPath `
                -PublishLocation `$RepositoryPath `
                -InstallationPolicy Trusted
    # Update existing manifest.
    Write-Verbose("Checking if Module: {0} is registered." -f `$ModuleName)
    if (Find-Module -Repository `$RepositoryName -Name `$ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        Write-Verbose ("Updating Manifest for: {0}." -f `$ModuleName)
        `$version = (Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName `$ModulePath -ListAvailable).Version | Select-Object Major, Minor
        `$newVersion = New-Object Version -ArgumentList `$version.major, `$version.minor, `$BuildNumber
        Update-ModuleManifest -Path `$ModulePath -ModuleVersion `$newVersion
    # Publish Module.
    Write-Verbose ("Publishing Module: {0}." -f `$ModuleName)
    try {
        Publish-Module -Repository `$RepositoryName -Path ".\`$ModuleName"
    } catch [System.Exception] {