
Creates a new build pipeline.
Creates build pipeline files and scaffolds base structure, to the target module.
The name of a module, or the parent path of a module manifest.
This scaffolding script is inspired by The PowerShell Build Pipeline as proposed by xainey (Michael Willis):
Written by Karl Wallenius, Redeploy AB.

function New-PSBuildPipeline {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]

    begin {
        # Import templates from variables.
        $TemplatesPath = Merge-Path $PSScriptRoot, "..", "templates"
        . (Merge-Path $TemplatesPath, "t_build.ps1")
        . (Merge-Path $TemplatesPath, "t_build_settings.ps1")
        . (Merge-Path $TemplatesPath, "t_build_utils.ps1")
        . (Merge-Path $TemplatesPath, "t_gitignore.ps1")

    process {
        $modulePath = Get-ModulePath -Path $Module
        $moduleName = Split-Path $modulePath -Leaf

        $buildFilePath = Merge-Path $modulePath, "$"
        $buildSettingsFilePath = Merge-Path $modulePath, "$moduleName.settings.ps1"
        $buildUtilsFilePath = Merge-Path $modulePath, "build_utils.ps1"
        $gitIgnoreFilePath = Merge-Path $modulePath, ".gitignore"

        Write-Verbose "Creating build file."
        [void](New-Item -Path $buildFilePath -ItemType File)
        $BuildFileContent -replace "<module>", "$moduleName" | Set-Content -Path $buildFilePath -Encoding utf8

        Write-Verbose "Creating build settings file."
        [void](New-Item -Path $buildSettingsFilePath -ItemType File)
        $BuildSettingsFileContent -replace "<module>", "$moduleName" | Set-Content -Path $buildSettingsFilePath -Encoding utf8
        Write-Verbose "Creating build utilities file."
        [void](New-Item -Path $buildUtilsFilePath -ItemType File)
        $BuildUtilsFileContent | Set-Content -Path $buildUtilsFilePath -Encoding utf8

        Write-Verbose "Creating .gitignore file."
        [void](New-Item -Path $gitIgnoreFilePath -ItemType File)
        $GitIgnoreFileContent | Set-Content -Path $gitIgnoreFilePath -Encoding utf8 