
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
format type data generated 08/04/2020 15:58:47 by BOVINE320\Jeff
This is a custom formatting file to be used with alias objects
      <!--Created 08/04/2020 15:58:47 by BOVINE320\Jeff-->
        <!--Delete the AutoSize node if you want to use the defined widths.-->
        <AutoSize />
            By default the entries use property names, but you can replace them with scriptblocks.
            <ScriptBlock>$ /1mb -as [int]</ScriptBlock>
      <!--Created 08/04/2020 16:02:11 by BOVINE320\Jeff-->
            You can also use a scriptblock to define a custom property name.
            You must have a Label tag.
            Use <Label> to set the displayed value.
        <ScriptBlock>"{0} {1}" -f $_.Source,$_.version</ScriptBlock>
        <!--Delete the AutoSize node if you want to use the defined widths.
        <AutoSize />-->