
function Remove-CMSSecret
      Removes an encrypted setting from the registry
      Removes a stored secured user settings in the registry
      PS C:\> Get-SPSCMSData -Name EMEA-CortexCredential -Type PSCredential | Remove-SPSCMSData -WhatIf
      What if: Performing the operation "Remove CMS item at path HKCU:\Software\SaaSplazaCMS\pscredential" on target "EMEA-CortexCredential".
      The above example shows what happens when you run the cmdlet without actually applying the action.
      Remove '-whatif' to apply the action.
      Remove-SPSCMSData -Name EMEA-CortexCredential -Type PSCredential
  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact='High',DefaultParameterSetName = 'CMSName')]
    # The name of the secure setting
    [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ParameterSetName = 'CMSObject')]
    # The name of the secure setting
    [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName = 'CMSName')]
    # The type of the secured setting
    [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName = 'CMSName')]
        # Parameter help description
        $cmsFolderName = 'CMSData'    
    #region Create Registry Location If It Doesn't Exist
    $registryPath = "HKCU:\Software\$cmsFolderName\"
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CMSObject')
      #region Filter and Remove Appropriate Settings
      $CMSObject | 
          ForEach-Object {
          if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_.Name,"Remove CMS item at path $registryPath\$($_.Type)"))  
              Write-Verbose ('Remove-SPSCMSData:`tRemove CMS item [{0}] at path [{1}]' -f $,"$registryPath\$($_.Type)")
              # Remove value from Registry
              Remove-ItemProperty -Path "$registryPath\$($_.Type.Name)" -Name $_.Name -ErrorAction Stop            
              Throw ('An Error Occurred on Line [{0}]...[{1}]' -f   $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber,$_)                
          }#should process
      }# Foreach-object
    }# CMSObject
    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CMSName')
      if(Get-ItemProperty -Path "$registryPath\$Type" -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
          if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name,"Remove CMS item at path $registryPath\$Type")) 
                Write-Verbose ('Remove-SPSCMSData:`tRemove CMS item [{0}] at path [{1}]' -f $name,"$registryPath\$Type")
                # Remove value from Registry
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path "$registryPath\$Type" -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop            
                Throw ('An Error Occurred on Line [{0}]...[{1}]' -f   $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber,$_)                
          }#should process
          Write-Warning ("Remove-SPSCMSData:`tThe CMS item [{0}] could not be found at path [{1}]" -f $Name,"$registryPath\$Type")
    }# CMSName

  }# Process

} # Function