
function Start-SemaphoreProjectTask
            Triggers a run of a Semaphore template task.

            This function triggers a new execution of a task via a Semaphore project template.

        .PARAMETER ProjectId
            The ID of the project.

        .PARAMETER TemplateId
            The ID of the template to run.

        .PARAMETER CLIArguments
            Any CLI arguments to pass to the task.

        .PARAMETER Wait
            Whether to wait for the task to complete before returning.

            Start-SemaphoreProjectTask -ProjectId 2 -TemplateId 1

            Triggers a run of the template with ID 1 in the project with ID 2.

            Start-SemaphoreProjectTask -ProjectId 2 -TemplateId 1 -Wait

            Triggers a run of the template with ID 1 in the project with ID 2

            To use this function, make sure you have already connected using the Connect-Semaphore function.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        Write-Verbose -Message "Calling function $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
            throw "Please run Connect-Semaphore first"
        #Region Create the body and send the request
            $Body = @{
                "template_id" = $TemplateId
                "environment" = "{}"
                "project_id"  = $ProjectId

                $Body.Add("cli_arguments", $CLIArguments)

            $Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Script:Config.url)/project/$ProjectId/tasks" -Method Post -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json' -WebSession $Script:Session
                return $Null

            # If we're not waiting and polling the task, return data and exit:
                return $Data
            throw $_

        #Region If Wait, poll the task until it is complete
            # Start a loop that calls Get-SemaphoreProjectTask with the Id returned from the previous call. If the status property is running or success
            # break out of the loop and return the task object. Attempt the loop for a maximum of 50 attempts with 5 seconds wait between each attempt.
            $AttemptCount = 0
            $MaxAttempts = 50
            $WaitTime = 5
            $TaskId = $
                Write-Verbose -Message "Attempt $AttemptCount of $MaxAttempts"
                Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for task to complete" -Status "Attempt $AttemptCount of $MaxAttempts" -PercentComplete (($AttemptCount / $MaxAttempts) * 100)

                    $Task = Get-SemaphoreProjectTask -ProjectId $ProjectId -TaskId $TaskId
                    if($Task.status -eq "running")
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Task is running"
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $WaitTime
                    elseif($Task.status -eq "waiting")
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Task is waiting"
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $WaitTime
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Task status is: $($Task.status)"
                    throw $_
            until($AttemptCount -eq $MaxAttempts)

            return $Task