
Function Get-ServerObjectCollection
            Converts a collection of Server Name Strings into a Colection of objects
            This function will take a random list of servers, such as an array or txt file
            and convert it on the pipeline to a collection of PSObjects. This collection
            will function exactly like an imported CSV with ComputerName as the column heading.

            This can also be used to convert output from Active Directory. Get information on all
            or a filtered list of Computers in an OU. See Examples.
            ('Server2','Server4') | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            Get-Content -Path .\RndListOfServers.txt | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).Name | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            Active Directory!! (All Computers)
            (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,DC=coatelab,DC=com" -Filter *).Name | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            Active Directory!! (Just Domain Controllers)


    Param (
        ValueFromPipeline= $true)]

    Process {
            'ComputerName' = $ComputerName