
#Requires -Version 5
#Powershell Logging Module

function Initialize-Log()
    Initialize log, or reinitialize if current log rollover period has expired.
    Creates a new log under the path <'Directory'\'BaseName'> and sets an expiration for the log to
    rollover to a new logfile based on the 'Rollover' period specified. If 'MaxCount' is defined,
    when the logs roll over to a new script, the function cleans up the oldest log files greater
    than 'MaxCount'. If 'MaxCount' is not defined, or is set to 0, log cleanup is skipped. If the
    'Multithreaded' switch is used, the script makes sure the log is not locked before
    attempting to write to it.
  .PARAMETER Directory
    Optional. The root directory to create the logging folder and logs in.
    Optional. This is the name of the logging folder which will be created in the 'Directory'.
    It is also used as part of the log file(s) name.
  .PARAMETER Rollover
    Optional. How often to create a new log file. Valid values are "Month", "Week", "Day", "Hour",
    and "Minute". A new log will be created at the beginning of the next timespan.
    (eg: if logging is started on 2017-08-04 and "Month" is passed in, the next log will be created
    at midnight on 2017-09-01).
    Optional. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
  .PARAMETER Multithreaded
    Optional. Switch to A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    Log file to <'Directory'\'BaseName'>
    Initialize-Log -Directory $PSScriptRoot -BaseName "MyLog" -Rollover "Minute" -MaxCount 30


    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Params Directory: {0}" -f $Directory)
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Params BaseName: {0}" -f $BaseName)
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Params Rollover: {0}" -f $Rollover)
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Params MaxCount: {0}" -f $MaxCount)
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Params Multithreaded: {0}" -f $Multithreaded)
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Params TriggeredByModule: {0}" -f $TriggeredByModule)

  [string]$DefaultDirectory = $env:TEMP
  [string]$DefaultBaseName = "Logs"
  [string]$DefaultRollover = "Day"
  [int]$DefaultMaxCount = 0
  [bool]$DefaultMultithreaded = $false

  if(-not $TriggeredByModule)
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Not triggered by module...")

    if($Directory){$env:PSSimpleLogDirectory = $Directory}else{$env:PSSimpleLogDirectory = $DefaultDirectory}
    if($BaseName) {$env:PSSimpleLogBaseName = $BaseName} else {$env:PSSimpleLogBaseName = $DefaultBaseName}
    if($Rollover) {$env:PSSimpleLogRollover = $Rollover} else {$env:PSSimpleLogRollover = $DefaultRollover}
    $env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount = $MaxCount
    $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded = $Multithreaded
    Write-Debug ("[PSSimpleLogging] Triggered by module...")
    if($env:PSSimpleLogDirectory -eq $null) {$env:PSSimpleLogDirectory = $DefaultDirectory}
    if($env:PSSimpleLogBaseName -eq $null) {$env:PSSimpleLogBaseName = $DefaultBaseName}
    if($env:PSSimpleLogRollover -eq $null) {$env:PSSimpleLogRollover = $DefaultRollover}
    if($env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount -eq $null) {$env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount = $DefaultMaxCount}
    if($env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded -eq $null) {$env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded = $DefaultMultithreaded}

  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] Directory: {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogDirectory)
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] BaseName: {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogBaseName)
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] Rollover: {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogRollover)
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] MaxCount: {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount)
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] Multithreaded: {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded)

  [string]$DateFormat = "yyyyMMdd.HHmmss"

      $DateFormat = "yyyyMM"
      $env:PSSimpleLogExpires = ((Get-Date -Day 01 -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00 -Millisecond 00).AddMonths(1))

      $DateFormat = "yyyyMMdd.w{0}" -f (Get-Date -UFormat %V)

      $Week = Get-Date
      While($Week.DayOfWeek -ne "Sunday"){$Week = $Week.AddDays(1)}
      $env:PSSimpleLogExpires = ($Week).Date

      $DateFormat = "yyyyMMdd"
      $env:PSSimpleLogExpires = ((Get-Date -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00 -Millisecond 00).AddDays(1))

      $DateFormat = "yyyyMMdd.HH"
      $env:PSSimpleLogExpires = ((Get-Date -Minute 00 -Second 00 -Millisecond 00).AddHours(1))

      $DateFormat = "yyyyMMdd.HHmm"
      $env:PSSimpleLogExpires = ((Get-Date -Second 00 -Millisecond 00).AddMinutes(1))

  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] DateFormat: {0}" -f $DateFormat)
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] LogExpires: {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogExpires)

  [string]$LogDir = "{0}\{1}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogDirectory, $env:PSSimpleLogBaseName
  New-Item -Path $LogDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] LogDir: {0}" -f $LogDir)

  $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile = "{0}\{1}.{2}.log" -f $LogDir, $env:PSSimpleLogBaseName, (Get-Date -Format $DateFormat)
  Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] LogFile (to be created): {0}" -f $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile)

  if($env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount -gt 0)
   $LogHistory = Get-ChildItem -Path $LogDir `
    | Where {($_.Extension -eq ".log") -and ($_.Name -match "^$env:PSSimpleLogBaseName\.")}
    Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] Log file count: {0}" -f $LogHistory.Count)

   if ($LogHistory.Count -gt $env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount)
     $RemoveLogsCount = $LogHistory.Count - $env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount

      Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] Log files to remove: {0}" -f $RemoveLogsCount)

     Get-ChildItem -Path $LogDir `
       | Where {($_.Extension -eq ".log") -and ($_.Name -match "^$env:PSSimpleLogBaseName\.")} `
       | Sort CreationTime | Select -First $RemoveLogsCount `
       | Remove-Item -Force
      Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] Removed oldest {0} log files." -f $RemoveLogsCount)
      Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] No old logs to remove. {0} log(s) matched the search" -f $LogHistory.Count)
    Write-Verbose ("[PSSimpleLogging] MaxCount value of {0}. Skipping log cleanup." -f $env:PSSimpleLogMaxCount)

function Write-LogHost()
    Adds a timestamp to a string and logs and displays the result.
    Adds the provided string as timestamped entry in a log file and displays the timestamped string to the console.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-LogHost "Some info to be logged."
    Write-LogHost "Some info to be logged." -ForegroundColor Gray



  [bool]$Expired = (Get-Date) -gt $env:PSSimpleLogExpires

  if($Expired -or (-not $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
    Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule
    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
      Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule

  $EntryTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format s)
  Write-Log -LogFile $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile -Timestamp $EntryTimestamp -Level "DEFAULT" -Message $Message -Multithreaded $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded

    Write-Host ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message) -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor
    Write-Host ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message)

function Write-LogDebug()
    Adds a timestamp to a string and logs and displays the result.
    Adds the provided string as timestamped entry in a log file and displays the timestamped string to the console.
    The script uses the built-in corresponding output preference variable (ex. $DebugPreference, $VerbosePreference,
    $InformationPreference, $WarningPreference, and $ErrorActionPreference) to determine if message should be logged
    and displayed.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-LogDebug "Some info to be logged."


  if($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")
    [bool]$Expired = (Get-Date) -gt $env:PSSimpleLogExpires
    if($Expired -or (-not $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
      Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule
      if(-not (Test-Path -Path $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
        Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule

    $EntryTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format s)
    Write-Log -LogFile $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile -Timestamp $EntryTimestamp -Level "DEBUG" -Message $Message -Multithreaded $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded

  Write-Debug ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message)

function Write-LogVerbose()
    Adds a timestamp to a string and logs and displays the result.
    Adds the provided string as timestamped entry in a log file and displays the timestamped string to the console.
    The script uses the built-in corresponding output preference variable (ex. $DebugPreference, $VerbosePreference,
    $InformationPreference, $WarningPreference, and $ErrorActionPreference) to determine if message should be logged
    and displayed.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-LogVerbose "Some info to be logged."


  if($VerbosePreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")
    [bool]$Expired = (Get-Date) -gt $env:PSSimpleLogExpires
    if($Expired -or (-not $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
      Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule
      if(-not (Test-Path -Path $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
        Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule

    $EntryTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format s)
  Write-Log -LogFile $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile -Timestamp $EntryTimestamp -Level "VERBOSE" -Message $Message -Multithreaded $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded

  Write-Verbose ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message)

function Write-LogInformation()
  #Requires -Version 5

    Adds a timestamp to a string and logs and displays the result.
    Adds the provided string as timestamped entry in a log file and displays the timestamped string to the console.
    The script uses the built-in corresponding output preference variable (ex. $DebugPreference, $VerbosePreference,
    $InformationPreference, $WarningPreference, and $ErrorActionPreference) to determine if message should be logged
    and displayed.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-LogInformation "Some info to be logged."


  if($InformationPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")
    [bool]$Expired = (Get-Date) -gt $env:PSSimpleLogExpires
    if($Expired -or (-not $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
      Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule
      if(-not (Test-Path -Path $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
        Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule

    $EntryTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format s)
    Write-Log -LogFile $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile -Timestamp $EntryTimestamp -Level "INFORMATION" -Message $Message -Multithreaded $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded

  Write-Information ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message)

function Write-LogWarning()
    Adds a timestamp to a string and logs and displays the result.
    Adds the provided string as timestamped entry in a log file and displays the timestamped string to the console.
    The script uses the built-in corresponding output preference variable (ex. $DebugPreference, $VerbosePreference,
    $InformationPreference, $WarningPreference, and $ErrorActionPreference) to determine if message should be logged
    and displayed.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-LogWarning "Some info to be logged."


  if($WarningPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")
    [bool]$Expired = (Get-Date) -gt $env:PSSimpleLogExpires
    if($Expired -or (-not $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
      Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule
      if(-not (Test-Path -Path $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
        Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule

    $EntryTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format s)
    Write-Log -LogFile $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile -Timestamp $EntryTimestamp -Level "WARNING" -Message $Message -Multithreaded $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded

  Write-Warning ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message)

function Write-LogError()
    Adds a timestamp to a string and logs and displays the result.
    Adds the provided string as timestamped entry in a log file and displays the timestamped string to the console.
    The script uses the built-in corresponding output preference variable (ex. $DebugPreference, $VerbosePreference,
    $InformationPreference, $WarningPreference, and $ErrorActionPreference) to determine if message should be logged
    and displayed.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file, and display to the console.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-LogError "Some info to be logged."


  if($ErrorActionPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")
    [bool]$Expired = (Get-Date) -gt $env:PSSimpleLogExpires
    if($Expired -or (-not $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
      Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule
      if(-not (Test-Path -Path $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile))
        Initialize-Log -TriggeredByModule

    $EntryTimestamp = (Get-Date -Format s)
    Write-Log -LogFile $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile -Timestamp $EntryTimestamp -Level "ERROR" -Message $Message -Multithreaded $env:PSSimpleLogMultithreaded

  Write-Error ("[{0}] {1}" -f $EntryTimestamp,$Message)

function Write-LogException()
    Logs a caught exception.
    Logs a caught exception.
  .PARAMETER Exception
    Required. The exception which needs to have information logged
      Throw "Generic Exception"
      Write-LogException $_


  Write-LogDebug ("Entering function {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] FullyQualifiedErrorId : {0}" -f $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name : {0}" -f $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] CategoryInfo : {0}" -f $_.CategoryInfo.ToString())
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] Exception.InnerException.Message : {0}" -f $_.Exception.InnerException.Message)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] ErrorDetails.Message : {0}" -f $_.ErrorDetails.Message)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] InvocationInfo.ScriptName : {0}" -f $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber : {0}" -f $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine : {0}" -f $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine)
  Write-LogWarning ("[EXCEPTION] InvocationInfo.Line : {0}" -f $_.InvocationInfo.Line)

  Write-LogDebug ("Exiting function {0}" -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)

function Write-Log()
    Formats and adds a string to a log file.
    Formats and adds a string to a log file. If '$Multithreaded = "True"',
    will also use a Mutex to ensure/wait for the file to be writable.
    Required. Path to the file which will be appended.
  .PARAMETER Timestamp
    Required. The timestamp to append to the log.
    Required. Level of the message to append to the log, eg: DEBUG, VERBOSE, INFORMATION,WARNING, ERROR, etc.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Required. A string to add to the log file.
  .PARAMETER Multithreaded
    Optional. A string of the values "True" or "False" (converted from a bool). Will determine whether to use the mutex.
    For details about where logs are saved, please see the 'Initialize-Log' help
    Write-Log -LogFile "C:\file.log" -Timestamp "2017-08-04T10:44:53" -Level "INFORMATION" -Message "Adding a log entry." -Multithreaded "False"

  Param (
    [string]$LogFile = $env:PSSimpleLogLogfile,
    [string]$Timestamp = (Get-Date -Format s),
    [string]$Level = "DEFAULT",
    [string]$Message = "",
    [string]$Multithreaded = "False"

  if($Multithreaded -eq "True")
    $mutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, 'PSSimpleLogging')

    ("[{0}] [{1}] {2}" -f $Timestamp,$Level,$Message) | Out-File $LogFile -Append
   Write-Warning $_
    if($Multithreaded -eq "True")