
function Get-SNOWObject {
        Retrieves a servicenow table API object
        A template function for getting records from the table API
        Queries can be copied directly from SNOW by right clicking on the end of the query string, this can be used within the query parameter.
        String. Any servicenow object with a sys_id property.
        PSCustomObject. The full table record/s.
        Get-SNOWObject -table 'sys_user' -limit 1 -verbose
        Returns a single user from the sys_user table
        Get-SNOWObject -table 'sc_request' -query 'active=true' -limit 1
        Returns a single user from the sys_user table

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ | Confirm-SysID -ValidateScript })]
        #Can be copied directly from the snow web gui
        #Which fields should be returned
        #The query returns either the display value, the actual value in the database, or both.
        #Removes http links from reference fields
        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
        #Restricts the record search to only the domains for the logged in user. Only available to system administrators or query_no_domain_table_api role.
        $RestrictDomain = $false,
        #UI view for which to render the data. Determines the fields returned in the response.

    Process {
        Invoke-SNOWTableREAD -table $Table -Parameters $PSBoundParameters