
function New-SNOWObject {
        Creates a new servicenow table record
        Creates a record in the specified table
        PSCustomObject. The full table record (requires -PassThru).
        $Properties = @{
            user_name = "bruce.wayne"
            title = "Director"
            first_name = "Bruce"
            last_name = "Wayne"
            department = "Finance"
            email = ""
        New-SNOWObject -Table 'sys_user' -Properties $Properties -PassThru
        Creates a new user called bruce wayne in the sys_user table
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSShouldProcess', '')]
    param (
        # Keys must exactly match the names in the snow table. Not the display values in the web front end. Case sensitive.
        # This flag is required when setting encrypted fields (e.g user_password)

    Process {
        Invoke-SNOWTableCREATE -table $Table -Parameters $PSBoundParameters