
function Get-SpeechToken {
        Get OAuth token for authorization to Azure Cognitive Services.
        This function uses Invoke-RestMethod to get a bearer token that can be used in the Authorization header when calling
        Azure Cognitive Services. This requires access to an Azure subscription and API key for the speech service.
        PS C:\> Get-SpeechToken -Region <region> -Key <apikey>
        This example gets a token using the provided key and region.
        Key should probably be a secure string, update once secrets management module is released.
        The token is stored in $script:SpeechToken and can be retrieved with Get-SpeechTokenResult

    [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
    param (
        [ValidateSet("centralus", "eastus", "eastus2", "northcentralus", "southcentralus", "westcentralus", "westus", "westus2", "canadacentral", "brazilsouth", "eastasia", "southeastasia", "australiaeast", "centralindia", "japaneast", "japanwest", "koreacentral", "northeurope", "westeurope", "francecentral", "uksouth")]

    $FetchTokenHeader = @{
        'Content-Length'= '0';
        'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $Key
    $script:SpeechToken = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property (@{
        TimeStamp = Get-Date
        Token = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://$" -Headers $FetchTokenHeader
        Region = $Region

function Get-SpeechTokenResult {
    return $script:SpeechToken
function Get-SpeechVoicesList {
        Get a list of available voices from the speech service.
        This function uses Invoke-RestMethod to get a list of available voices from the Azure Cognitive Services Speech Service. Use the Token parameter
        to specify a token created with Get-SpeechToken and use the Region parameter to specify a region other than the default westeurope.
        If the Token parameter is not specified, the global variable created by Save-SpeechToken is used.
        PS C:\> Get-SpeechVoicesList
        This example gets a list of available voices.
        General notes

    [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
    param (
        $token = $script:SpeechToken.Token
    $AuthHeader = @{
        'Content-type' = 'application/ssml+xml';
        'Authorization' = "Bearer $Token";
        'Content-Length'= '0';
    $region = $script:SpeechToken.region
    $voices = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https://$" -Headers $AuthHeader -Method Get

function Convert-TextToSpeech {
        Convert a string to audio using Azure Cognitive Services.
        This function uses Invoke-RestMethod to call the Azure Cognitive Service Speech Service API, convert a string to speech, and save the resulting audio to a file.
        PS C:\> Convert-TextToSpeech -Text "Hi, this is a test." -Path test.mp3
        This example converts the string "Hi, this is a test." to speech and saves the audio to the test.mp3 file.

    [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
    param (


        [ValidateScript({Get-SpeechVoicesList | Select-Object ShortName})]
        $Voice = 'en-GB-LibbyNeural',
        $OutputFormat = "audio-16khz-32kbitrate-mono-mp3"
    $SpokenVoice = Get-SpeechVoicesList | ? {$_.ShortName -eq $Voice}
    $token = $script:SpeechToken.Token
    $AuthHeader = @{
        'Content-type' = 'application/ssml+xml'
        'Authorization' = "Bearer $token"
        'X-Microsoft-OutputFormat' = $OutputFormat
        'User-Agent' = "powershell"
    $region = $script:SpeechToken.region
    # build the ssml xml
    #<voice xml:lang='en-US' xml:gender='Female' name='en-US-AriaRUS'>
    #will assume language and voice are the same
    [xml]$xml = "<speak version='1.0' xml:lang='en-GB'><voice xml:lang='en-GB' xml:gender='Female' name='$Voice'></voice></speak>"
    $xml.speak.lang = $spokenvoice.Locale
    $xml.speak.voice.lang = $spokenvoice.Locale
    $xml.speak.voice.gender = $spokenvoice.Gender
    $ = $spokenvoice.ShortName
    # send to speech service and save output in file
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$" -Headers $AuthHeader -Method Post -Body $xml -OutFile $Path -Verbose