
    Removes iPerf3 server configuration from the local computer.

    Removes iPerf3 server configuration from the local computer.
    This includes the iPerf3 package, firewall rules, and scheduled task.

    Decommissions the local iPerf3 server.

function Remove-SpeedTestServer {
    Param (


    $timeout = 30 # Seconds

    if (!(Test-Administrator)) {
        throw "You are not running as administrator. Please re-run this function after opening PowerShell as administrator."

    Write-Output "Decommissioning local iPerf3 server."

    # Remove scheduled task before stopping process to prevent auto-trigger

    Write-Verbose -Message "Stopping iPerf3 process."
    try {
        Get-Process -Name 'iperf3' | Stop-Process
    catch {
        Write-Verbose -Message "iPerf3 process not found - no action taken."


    $timeoutTimer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    $processTest = $false
    while ($timeoutTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout) {
        $getProcessResult = Get-Process -Name 'iperf3' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
        if (!$getProcessResult) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "iPerf3 process does not exist."
            $processTest = $true
        else {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

    if (!($processTest)) {
        throw "iPerf3 process still running even though decommission was attempted. Timeout of $timeout seconds reached."