
    Set the local firewall rules for the port that iPerf3 will listen on.

    Set the local firewall rules for the port that iPerf3 will listen on.
    This will set inbound/outbound Allow TCP on the given port.

    The port that iPerf3 will listen on.

    .PARAMETER PassThru
    Returns the objects returned by "New-NetFirewallRule" for both the inbound and outbound rules, in an array.

    Set-iPerf3Port -Port "5201"

    Set-iPerf3Port -Port "5201" -PassThru

function Set-iPerf3Port {

    Write-Verbose -Message "Setting inbound and outbound iperf3 firewall rules."

    $FirewallInboundParams = @{
        DisplayName = "iPerf3 Server Inbound TCP Rule";
        Direction = "Inbound";
        LocalPort = $Port;
        Protocol = "TCP";
        Action = "Allow";
        ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue";

    $FirewallOutboundParams = @{
        DisplayName = "iPerf3 Server Outbound TCP Rule";
        Direction = "Outbound";
        LocalPort = $Port;
        Protocol = "TCP";
        Action = "Allow";
        ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue";

    $inboundResult = New-NetFirewallRule @FirewallInboundParams
    $outboundResult = New-NetFirewallRule @FirewallOutboundParams

    if ($inboundResult -and $outboundResult) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'iPerf3 server port firewall rules set.'
    else {
        throw "iPerf3 server port firewall rules could not be set. Message: $($error[0].Exception.message)"

    if ($PassThru) {
        return @($inboundResult, $outboundResult)