
# folder names for orientation
$script:Config = Import-Configuration
$script:landscape = $config."landscape"
$script:portrait = $config."portrait"
$script:destdir = $config."destination"
$script:ConfigurationPath = Get-ConfigurationPath

if ($null -eq $config.destination) {
    $script:destdir = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyPictures'))\$($config.foldername)"
    Write-Warning "For the first use, we set the default destination to `'$destdir`'`n`tYou can change it in $ConfigurationPath"
    $config.destination = $destdir
    $config | Export-Configuration
} else {
    Write-Warning "Destination directory is $destdir"

# TODO: store the exlusions in an editable file
# FIXME: probably we don't want to overwrite the exlusions with an update, we have to handle keeping customizations
Write-Verbose "files to exclude because Windows stores others files in the folder"
$script:excludedfiles = (

# use the variables to avoid getting warnings
$null = $landscape,$portrait,$excludedfiles

# TODO: load the private and public cmdlets into session
    $moduleRoot = (split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
    . "$moduleRoot\Public\function-Save-SpotlightImage.ps1"
    . "$moduleRoot\Public\function-Show-SpotlightConfig.ps1"
    . "$moduleRoot\Private\function-Test-TargetFolder.ps1"

# FIXME: tests, lots of unit tests using PESTER