.SYNOPSIS Save-SpotlightImage .DESCRIPTION Save-SpotlightImage will copy the pictures from the folders which are accessile for the current user. To copy from all users you need to Run As Administrator .PARAMETER .INPUTS .OUTPUTS .NOTES Save-SpotlightImage will only process those folder which are accessible for the user. If executed from an elevated PowerShell session, Save-SpotlightImage will copy from all users' folders. .EXAMPLE Save-SpotlightImage Will save the new spotlight images to the configured folder. .EXAMPLE Save-SpotlightImage -Verbose Will save the new spotlight images to the configured folder with a little bit of logging. #> function Save-SpotlightImage { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("Copy-SpotlightImage")] param ( ) begin { } process { try { $extension = ".jpg" $fileHash = $null $newfiles = 0 # Build our input of source folders $srcdirectories = @() $sources = (Get-ChildItem c:\Users\).Name | ForEach-Object { "c:\users\$_\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets\" } Write-Verbose "Count of source directories: $($sources.count)" # A helper for image processing $imagefile = New-Object -ComObject Wia.ImageFile Write-Verbose "Making sure that we have an ending '\' for the destination directory" if ("\" -ne $destdir.substring($destdir.Length - 1)) { $destdir = $destdir + "\" } Write-Verbose "Validate the source directories" foreach ($source in $sources) { if (Test-Path -Path $source -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { [array]$srcdirectories += $source } } Write-Verbose "Count of source directories after validation: $($srcdirectories.count)" Write-Verbose "Validation of destination folder" Test-TargetFolder $destdir Write-Verbose "Ensure we have subfolders for the different picture orientations" if (Test-Path $destdir) { if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $($destdir + $landscape))) { New-Item -Path $($destdir + $landscape) -ItemType Directory } if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $($destdir + $portrait))) { New-Item -Path $($destdir + $portrait) -ItemType Directory } } Write-Verbose "Look for new files in the source direcorties" foreach ($srcdir in $srcdirectories) { Write-Verbose "Getting files from $srcdir" $srcfiles = Get-ChildItem $srcdir -Recurse Write-Verbose "File count: $($srcfiles.count)" foreach ($file in $srcfiles) { Write-Debug "$($" if ($excludedfiles -notcontains $file) { try { $imagefile.loadfile($file.fullname) if ($imagefile.height -eq 1080 -or $imagefile.width -eq 1080) { if ($imagefile.height -gt $imagefile.width) { $destinationdir = ($destdir + ($portrait + "\").replace('\\', '\')) } else { $destinationdir = ($destdir + ($landscape + "\").replace('\\', '\')) } $fileHash = Get-FileHash -Path $($srcdir + $file.Name) -Algorithm SHA256 if (-not (Test-Path -Path $($destinationdir + $fileHash.hash + $extension))) { try { Copy-Item -Path $($srcdir + $file.Name) -Destination $($destinationdir + $fileHash.hash + $extension) -Force -ErrorAction Stop $newfiles += 1 } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to copy $($srcdir + $file.Name)" } } } } catch { throw "Something went wrong: $_" } } } } # Some verbose reporting if ($newfiles -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "There was no new file." } else { Write-Verbose "We copied $newfiles new files :)" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something was wrong: $_" } } end { } } |