
function Get-SPSqlPatch {
    This function is used to get SQL Server patches info and return it as a PSObject
    The function accesses a google excel sheet provided by "" which contains a list of all SQL Server patches available for each SQL Version. The function then parses the table and converts it into a PSObject, with parameters such as Cumlative Update and Service Pack download links.
    .PARAMETER SqlVersion
    The SQL Version you want to search for. If not specified the function returns patches for default SQL Versions "2008", "2008 R2", "2012", "2014", "2016", "2017", "2019"
    PS C:\> Get-SPSqlPatch
    Returns all available patches listed on "" for default SQL Versions "2008", "2008 R2", "2012", "2014", "2016", "2017", "2019"
    PS C:\> Get-SPSqlPatch -SqlVersion "2017", "2016"
    Returns all SQL patches available for SQL Server 2017 and SQL Server 2016
    Author: Patrick Cull
    Date: 2020-03-23

        [string[]] $SqlVersion = @("2008", "2008 R2", "2012", "2014", "2016", "2017", "2019"),

        # Path to local csv file downloaded from Useful if google spreadsheets is blocked.
        [string] $LocalPatchCsvPath

    #Setup proxy credentials in case they're needed.
    $browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
    $browser.Proxy.Credentials =[System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    if($LocalPatchCsvPath) {
        $DocOutput= Get-Content $LocalPatchCsvPath | ConvertFrom-Csv
    else {
        $PatchListURL   = ""
        $DocOutput= Invoke-WebRequest $PatchListURL -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Csv

    if(!$DocOutput) {
        Throw "Could not get patch infromation"
    $RelevantPatches = $DocOutput | Select-Object SQLServer, SP, CU, Build, Description, Link, ReleaseDate | Where-Object {(($_.SP -or $_.CU) -or $_.Description -like '*GDR*') -and $_.Link -and $_.ReleaseDate }

    if($SqlVersion) {
        $RelevantPatches = $RelevantPatches | Where-Object SQLServer -in $SqlVersion

    #Reverse the array so we can pick up the service packs as it gets scanned and we can assign it to each following CU.

    $RelevantPatches | Foreach-Object {

        $SqlRelease = $_.SQLServer
        $BuildNum = $_.Build

        if($_.SP -eq 'TRUE') {
            $PatchType = "Service Pack"
        elseif($_.CU -eq 'TRUE'){
            $PatchType = "Cumulative Update"
        else {
            $PatchType = "Hotfix"

        try {
            $ReleaseDate = [datetime]::parseexact($_.ReleaseDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd', $null)
        catch {
            $ReleaseError = $_.ReleaseDate
            Write-Error "$ReleaseError of $BuildNum not valid date"

        $PatchNumPattern = "\((.*?)\)"
        $PatchNumber = [regex]::match($_.Description, $PatchNumPattern).Groups[1].Value

        if($SqlRelease -gt 2016) {
            $ServicePack = $null
            $CumulativeUpdate = $PatchNumber 
        elseif($PatchType -eq "Service Pack") {
            $ServicePack = $PatchNumber 
            $CumulativeUpdate = $null           
        else {
            $CumulativeUpdate = $PatchNumber                      

        $DownloadLink = $_.Link
        $KBNumber = $DownloadLink -split '/' | Where-Object {$_ -match "^[\d\.]+$"}

        #If the KB number is not in the URL, attempt to access the downloadlink and parse the KB number from the resulting webpage.
        if(!$KBNumber) {
            $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
            try {
                $KBDownloadResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadLink -UseBasicParsing
            catch {
                #Write-Error "Error connecting to build $BuildNum link: $DownloadLink - KB Number was not attainable." #Error checking dead links
            $ProgressPreference = 'Continue'

            $KBLinkContent = $KBDownloadResponse.Content
            $KBNumberPattern = "KB(.*?)-x64"
            $KBNumber = [regex]::match($KBLinkContent, $KBNumberPattern).Groups[1].Value

            if($KBNumber -eq ""){$KBNumber = $null}

        [PSCustomObject][Ordered] @{
            SqlVersion = $SqlRelease
            PatchType = $PatchType
            ServicePack = $ServicePack
            CumulativeUpdate = $CumulativeUpdate
            ReleaseDate = $ReleaseDate 
            Build = $_.Build
            Link = $DownloadLink
            KBNumber = $KBNumber
            Description = $_.Description