
function Sync-SympaMailingList

   This function adds a member(s) to a Mailing list
   Sync Mailing list(s) against the file at C:\Sympa\synclist.csv
   Sync-SympaMailingList -Sympa $Sympa -Path C:\Sympa\synclist.csv


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Pass in the result of the 'Get-SympaLogin' function")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Enter the path to the reference file for the Mailing lists")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Should you notify the user that they are being added to the list, default is no")]
    [ValidateSet("Yes", "No")]
    [String]$Notify = "No"

    #Handle the $Notify paramater converting it into the mess that Sympa understands
    switch ($Notify)
        'Yes' {$Alert = "false"}
        'No' {$Alert = "true"}
        Default {$Alert = "true"}

        #Import the list
        #Check (and asorb) that the file is really there, stop the script if it isn't
            $Reference = Import-Csv $Path -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "Reference file not found"

        #Convert the CSV into the same format that the results from Sympa will be coming out in
        #Create empty collection
        $ReferenceArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

        #Build the data for the collection
        foreach($Row in $Reference){
            #Build an object to store the results in
            $Item = New-Object -TypeName System.Object

            #Add the members to the object
            $Item | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MailingList" -Value $Row.MailingList
            $Item | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Member" -Value $Row.Member

            #Add the object to the collection
            $ReferenceArray.Add($Item) | Out-Null

        #Get only the unique Mailing lists
        $UniqueLists = $Reference | Select-Object -Unique -Property MailingList

        #Read the current members of those lists
        $ResultsArray = foreach($UniqueList in $UniqueLists){
            Get-SympaMailingListMember -Sympa $Sympa -MailingList $UniqueList.MailingList

        #Compare against the referance list and build the To Do List
        $ToDoList = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ReferenceArray -DifferenceObject $ResultsArray -Property MailingList, Member

        if($ToDoList.Count -eq "0"){
            Write-Host "Nothing to do"

        #Perform Add/Remove
        foreach($ToDo in $ToDoList){
            if($ToDo.SideIndicator -eq "=>"){
                Remove-SympaMailingListMember -Sympa $Sympa -MailingList $ToDo.MailingList -Member $ToDo.Member
            elseif($ToDo.SideIndicator -eq "<="){
                Add-SympaMailingListMember -Sympa $Sympa -MailingList $ToDo.MailingList -Member $ToDo.Member