
   Exports student photos to a directory or archive for import into a differnt system.
   Executes STU417 Student ID Cards and fetchs all student photos from Synergy. Outputs a list of created files to pipe to another command.
   Path to where images are saved. Defaults to local path.
   URL of Synergy server. No need for http://
   Export-SynergyStudentPhotos -Path -SynergyUri ""
   This command will ask for username and password and then export all photos to the current directory.
   Export-SynergyStudentPhotos -Path Images -SynergyUri "" -Credential (Get-Credential)
   This command will export all photos to the Images sub directory.
   Export-SynergyStudentPhotos -SynergyUri "" | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath ""
   Pipe the list of images to another command.

function Export-SynergyStudentPhoto
        # Path
        $Path = ".",

        # Credential
        $Credential = ( Get-Credential ),

        $WebSession = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]::new(),

        # SynergyUri

        # MakeArchive
        $MakeArchive = "none",

        # School

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Report STU417"
    $students = Get-SynergyData -ReportID STU417 -SynergyUri $Synergyuri -WebSession $WebSession -Credential $Credential -School $School
    $data = $students | Where-Object Photo -NE ''
    $data = $data | Where-Object Photo -NE 'Photo'
    $data = $data | Select-Object *,@{Name="PermID";Expression={$_.'Perm ID'}}, @{Name="PhotoUri";Expression={ "https://"+ $Synergyuri + "/" + [String]$_.Photo.Remove(($_.Photo.Length)-20,11) }}
    $data = $data | Select-Object *,@{Name="FileName";Expression={$_.PermID+".PNG"}}
    $data | ForEach-Object  -Begin { $i=0 } -Process{
        $ProgressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($_.PhotoUri) -OutFile ("$Path"+"\"+($_.FileName))
        $ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
        Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading Student Photos" -PercentComplete ( $i/($data.Count)*100) -CurrentOperation ("Photo $i of "+($data.Count))

    $data | Select-Object -Property PermID, FileName | Export-Csv -Path "$Path\idlink.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    $data | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Barcode";Expression={"P "+($_PermID)}}, FileName | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Out-File "$Path\idlink.txt"
    switch ($MakeArchive)
        'basic'   { $data[0..5000].FileName, 'idlink.csv' | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath "$Path\basic" -Force }

        'Follett' { $data[0..5000].FileName, 'idlink.txt' | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath "$Path\Follett" -Force }
        Default {}
    Return $data[0..5000].FileName