
   Command to Run a Synergy Report
   Uses Synergy Web Services to run a synergy CSV report and return the results as an array.
    The ReportID of a Built-in Synergy report such as STU408 or a User-defined report such as U-STC-STAFF
.PARAMETER Credential
    Powershell Credential such as from Get-Credential. Use a Synergy username and password.
.PARAMETER CookieContainer
    Optional. Pass a CookieContainer object to use with multiple Get-SynergyReport commands.
    The Uri of the Synergy server.
    Optional. School Name or SIS number (probably 100)
    Optional. Four digit school year.
.PARAMETER ReportFileName
    Optional Name of file to return if report has more than one. Defaults to "Main".
.PARAMETER ReportOptions
    Optional. Hashtable of key/value pair for options specific to a particualar report.
    For example $Options = @{AsOfDate="8/3/2016"; TeacherID="Badge Num"; TeacherUserName="Abbreviated Name" }; Get-SynergyReport -ReportOptions $Options ...
   Get-SynergyReport -ReportID STU408 -Credential (Get-Credential)
   $cred = Get-Credential; $cc = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer; $rpt1 = Get-SynergyReport -ReportID U-GSDS5 -Credential $cred -CookieContainer $cc; $rpt2 = Get-SynergyReport -ReportID U-GSDS4 -Credential $cred -CookieContainer $cc
   A CookieContainer (AKA a Session Cookie) can be passed as a parameter to allow running multiple reports using the same web services session. Synergy will not allow multiple sessions from the same user within 3 seconds of each other. All requests using the same cookie container are treated as a single login.
   $params = @{ SynergyUri = "";Credential= Get-Credential;CookieContainer=New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer; }; Get-SynergyReport -ReportID STU408 @params

function Invoke-SynergyReport
        # Report ID e.g. STU408
        $ReportID = "STU804",

        # Credential
        $Credential = ( Get-Credential ),

        # WebSession
        $WebSession = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]::new(),

        # Uri

        # SchoolYear

        # School


        [hashtable]$ReportOptions = @{},




    $username = $Credential.UserName
    $password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    $Uri = $Uri.AbsoluteUri + "service/RTCommunication.asmx/ProcessWebServiceRequest"

    ### using here strings to keep the XML readable
    [xml]$opts =
    $( $ReportOptions.Keys | ForEach-Object {'<OPTION PROPERTY="{0}">{1}</OPTION>' -f $_, $ReportOptions.Item($_) }

    [xml]$reXML =
     $( $opts.OuterXml )

   ### STEP 1 Send Report Request ###
   $paramReportExecute = $reXML.OuterXml

    $Body = @{
        userID = $username
        password = $password
        webServiceHandleName = 'Revelation.Reports'
        methodName = 'ReportExecute'
        paramStr = $paramReportExecute
    $Params = @{
        Uri = $Uri
        Method = 'post'
        Body = $Body
        WebSession = $WebSession

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Synergy Report..." -Status "Sending Report Request" -PercentComplete 25
    $requestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @Params
    # $requestXml = [xml](([xml]$requestResponse.Content).DocumentElement.InnerText)
    $requestXml = [xml]$requestResponse.string.'#text'

    if ($requestXml.REPORTEXECUTE.MESSAGE)
        Throw $requestXml.REPORTEXECUTE.MESSAGE

    $jobId = $requestXml.REPORTEXECUTE.JOBID
    Write-Verbose "Report queued with jobId: $jobId"

    ### STEP 2 use returned JobID to check report processing status ###
    $paramReportStatus = "<ReportStatus><JOBID>$jobId</JOBID></ReportStatus>"

    $Body = @{
        userID = $username
        password = $password
        webServiceHandleName = 'Revelation.Reports'
        methodName = 'ReportStatus'
        paramStr = $paramReportStatus
    $Params = @{
        Uri = $Uri
        Method = 'post'
        Body = $Body
        WebSession = $WebSession

    $status = "WAITING"
    Do {
        $statusResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @Params
        # $statusXML = [xml](([xml]$statusResponse.Content).DocumentElement.InnerText)
        $statusXML = [xml]$statusResponse.string.'#text'
        Write-Verbose $statusXML
        if ($statusXML.REPORTSTATUS.STATE -like "Error") {
            Throw $statusXML.REPORTSTATUS.MESSAGE
        $status = $statusXML.REPORTSTATUS.STATE
        $message = $statusXML.REPORTSTATUS.MESSAGE
        Write-Progress -Activity "Running Synergy Report..." -Status $status -CurrentOperation $message -PercentComplete 50
    }While(@("Waiting","InProgress") -contains $status )

    ### STEP 3 Retrieve Completed Report ###
    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Synergy Report..." -Status "Recieving Report" -PercentComplete 75
    Write-Verbose $statusXML.InnerXml

    # Currently returning the CVS results of one file only. May revise to return array of multiple files #
    #Write-Information ([string]::Join(", ", $FilesList.'#text'))

    switch ($outputFormat)
        {$_ -in 'PDF','TIFF','EXCEL','XML','TXT'} {$encodeB64 = 'Y'; Write-Verbose "file is Base64 encoded"}
        {$_ -in 'HTML','RTF','CSV'} {$encodeB64 = 'N'}
        Default {$encodeB64 = 'N'}

    $paramReportResult = "<ReportResult><JOBID>$jobId</JOBID><FILE>$ReportFileName</FILE><EncodeBase64>$encodeB64</EncodeBase64></ReportResult>"
    $v = "Sending:" + $paramReportResult
    Write-Verbose $v

    $Body = @{
        userID = $username
        password = $password
        webServiceHandleName = 'Revelation.Reports'
        methodName = 'ReportResult'
        paramStr = $paramReportResult
    $Params = @{
        Uri = $Uri
        Method = 'post'
        Body = $Body
        WebSession = $WebSession

    $resultResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @Params

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Synergy Report..." -Completed -Status "All done." -PercentComplete 100
    # return RestMethod Result object
    return $resultResponse
