
   Gets the TSM Associations that exist on a server.
   This cmdlet gets the TSM Associations that exist on a server.
   If you use the SchedName parameter, you must also pass the
   policy domain parameter.
   Get-TsmAssociation -PolicyDomain POLICYDOMAIN -SchedName SCHEDNAME
   Get-TsmAssociation -PolicyDomain POLICYDOMAIN -NodeName NODENAME
   Get-TsmAssociation -PolicyDomain POLICYDOMAIN
   Get-TsmAssociation POLICYDOMAIN

function Get-TsmAssociation

        $Nodes = @()

        #The parameterset above makes sure there is a policydomain, if there is a schedname
        #But you can have a policydomain without a schedname
        $TsmAssociationCommand = "Query Association"
        If($PolicyDomain) {
            if($SchedName) {
                $TsmAssociationCommand = $TsmAssociationCommand + " $PolicyDomain" + " $SchedName"
            else {
                $TsmAssociationCommand = $TsmAssociationCommand + " $PolicyDomain"
            $executeTSM = Invoke-TsmCommand -Command $TsmAssociationCommand @psboundparameters
            $TsmAssociations = ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -InputObject $executeTSM -Header "PolicyDomain", "ScheduleName", "AssociatedNodes" 

            #Tivoli returns assocations with all of then nodes in one cell.
            foreach($Assoc in $TsmAssociations) {
                foreach($AssocNode in $Assoc.AssociatedNodes -split '\s+') {

                    $Node = [PSCustomObject] @{

                    $Nodes += $Node

            if($NodeName) {
                Write-Output $Nodes | Where-Object {$_.NodeName -like "$NodeName"}
            else {
                Write-Output $Nodes
        catch {
            Write-Error $_
