
#region class definitions

#only add the class definition if it doesn't already exist in the current session
Write-Verbose "Defining PSTeachingTools.PSVegetable class"
Try {
     Write-Verbose "The class already exists in this session."
Catch {
    Write-Verbose "Adding class definition"
    Add-Type -path $PsscriptRoot\psteachingtools.cs

#this is the previous PowerShell class definition of the vegetable class
#enumerations for a few of the class properties
Enum Status {
Enum VegColor {
#a class to define a new type of object
Class Vegetable {
    [int]$Count = (Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 20)
    [void]Peel() {
        $this.IsPeeled = $True
    [void]Prepare([status]$State) {
        $this.CookedState = $State
    Vegetable ([string]$Name, [boolean]$IsRoot, [vegcolor]$Color, [int]$UPC) {
        $ = $Name
        $this.IsRoot = $IsRoot
        $this.Color = $Color
        $this.upc = $UPC
    #an empty constructor
    Vegetable () { }