
function Add-TeamsBody {
    param (
        [string] $MessageTitle,
        [string] $ThemeColor,
        [string] $MessageText,
        [string] $MessageSummary,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary[]] $Sections,
        [switch] $HideOriginalBody

    $Body = [ordered] @{
        sections = $Sections
    if ($ThemeColor) {
        $body.themeColor = $ThemeColor
    if ($MessageTitle) {
        $Body.title = $MessageTitle
    if ($HideOriginalBody.IsPresent) {
        $Body.hideOriginalBody = $HideOriginalBody.IsPresent
    if ($MessageSummary -ne '') {
        $Body.summary = $MessageSummary
    } else {
        if ($MessageTitle -ne '') {
            $Body.summary = $MessageTitle
        } elseif ($MessageText -ne '') {
            $Body.summary = $MessageText
    if ($MessageText -ne '') {
        $Body.text = $MessageText
    return $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 6
function Convert-Color {
    This color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX)
    This color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX). Use it to convert your colors and prepare your graphics and HTML web pages.
    .Parameter RBG
    Enter the Red Green Blue value comma separated. Red: 51 Green: 51 Blue: 204 for example needs to be entered as 51,51,204
    .Parameter HEX
    Enter the Hex value to be converted. Do not use the '#' symbol. (Ex: 3333CC converts to Red: 51 Green: 51 Blue: 204)
    .\convert-color -hex FFFFFF
    Converts hex value FFFFFF to RGB
    .\convert-color -RGB 123,200,255
    Converts Red = 123 Green = 200 Blue = 255 to Hex value

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RGB", Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -match '^([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' })]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "HEX", Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ -match '[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}' })]
    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "RGB" {
            if ($null -eq $RGB[2]) {
                Write-Error "Value missing. Please enter all three values seperated by comma."
            $red = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[0], 16)
            $green = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[1], 16)
            $blue = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[2], 16)
            if ($red.Length -eq 1) {
                $red = '0' + $red
            if ($green.Length -eq 1) {
                $green = '0' + $green
            if ($blue.Length -eq 1) {
                $blue = '0' + $blue
            Write-Output $red$green$blue
        "HEX" {
            $red = $HEX.Remove(2, 4)
            $Green = $HEX.Remove(4, 2)
            $Green = $Green.remove(0, 2)
            $Blue = $hex.Remove(0, 4)
            $Red = [convert]::ToInt32($red, 16)
            $Green = [convert]::ToInt32($green, 16)
            $Blue = [convert]::ToInt32($blue, 16)
            Write-Output $red, $Green, $blue
function ConvertFrom-Color {
    param (
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ($($_ -in $Script:RGBColors.Keys -or $_ -match "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$" -or $_ -eq "") -eq $false) {
                    throw "The Input value is not a valid colorname nor an valid color hex code."
                } else { $true }
        [alias('Colors')][string[]] $Color,
        [switch] $AsDecimal
    $Colors = foreach ($C in $Color) {
        $Value = $Script:RGBColors."$C"
        if ($C -match "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$") {
            return $C
        if ($null -eq $Value) {
        $HexValue = Convert-Color -RGB $Value
        Write-Verbose "Convert-FromColor - Color Name: $C Value: $Value HexValue: $HexValue"
        if ($AsDecimal) {
            [Convert]::ToInt64($HexValue, 16)
        } else {
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName ConvertFrom-Color -ParameterName Color -ScriptBlock { $Script:RGBColors.Keys }
function Get-Image {
        [string] $PathToImages,
        [string] $FileName,
        [string] $FileExtension
    Write-Verbose "Get-Image - PathToImages $PathToImages FileName $FileName FileExtension $FileExtension"
    $ImagePath = [IO.Path]::Combine( $PathToImages, "$($FileName)$FileExtension")
    Write-Verbose "Get-Image - ImagePath $ImagePath"
    if (Test-Path $ImagePath) {
        if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') {
            $Image = [convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $ImagePath -AsByteStream))
        } else {
            $Image = [convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content $ImagePath -Encoding byte))
        Write-Verbose "Get-Image - Image Type: $($Image.GetType())"
        return "data:image/png;base64,$Image"
    return ''
function Repair-Text {
        [string] $Text
    if ($Text -ne $null) {
        $Text = $Text.ToString().Replace('"', '\"').Replace('\', '\\').Replace("`n", '\n\n').Replace("`r", '').Replace("`t", '\t')
        $Text = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($($Text))
    if ($Text -eq '') { $Text = ' ' }
    return $Text
$Script:RGBColors = @{
    "None"                 = $null
    "Black"                = 0, 0, 0
    "Navy"                 = 0, 0, 128
    "DarkBlue"             = 0, 0, 139
    "MediumBlue"           = 0, 0, 205
    "Blue"                 = 0, 0, 255
    "DarkGreen"            = 0, 100, 0
    "Green"                = 0, 128, 0
    "Teal"                 = 0, 128, 128
    "DarkCyan"             = 0, 139, 139
    "DeepSkyBlue"          = 0, 191, 255
    "DarkTurquoise"        = 0, 206, 209
    "MediumSpringGreen"    = 0, 250, 154
    "Lime"                 = 0, 255, 0
    "SpringGreen"          = 0, 255, 127
    "Aqua"                 = 0, 255, 255
    "Cyan"                 = 0, 255, 255
    "MidnightBlue"         = 25, 25, 112
    "DodgerBlue"           = 30, 144, 255
    "LightSeaGreen"        = 32, 178, 170
    "ForestGreen"          = 34, 139, 34
    "SeaGreen"             = 46, 139, 87
    "DarkSlateGray"        = 47, 79, 79
    "DarkSlateGrey"        = 47, 79, 79
    "LimeGreen"            = 50, 205, 50
    "MediumSeaGreen"       = 60, 179, 113
    "Turquoise"            = 64, 224, 208
    "RoyalBlue"            = 65, 105, 225
    "SteelBlue"            = 70, 130, 180
    "DarkSlateBlue"        = 72, 61, 139
    "MediumTurquoise"      = 72, 209, 204
    "Indigo"               = 75, 0, 130
    "DarkOliveGreen"       = 85, 107, 47
    "CadetBlue"            = 95, 158, 160
    "CornflowerBlue"       = 100, 149, 237
    "MediumAquamarine"     = 102, 205, 170
    "DimGray"              = 105, 105, 105
    "DimGrey"              = 105, 105, 105
    "SlateBlue"            = 106, 90, 205
    "OliveDrab"            = 107, 142, 35
    "SlateGray"            = 112, 128, 144
    "SlateGrey"            = 112, 128, 144
    "LightSlateGray"       = 119, 136, 153
    "LightSlateGrey"       = 119, 136, 153
    "MediumSlateBlue"      = 123, 104, 238
    "LawnGreen"            = 124, 252, 0
    "Chartreuse"           = 127, 255, 0
    "Aquamarine"           = 127, 255, 212
    "Maroon"               = 128, 0, 0
    "Purple"               = 128, 0, 128
    "Olive"                = 128, 128, 0
    #"Grey" = 92, 92, 92
    "Gray"                 = 128, 128, 128
    "Grey"                 = 128, 128, 128
    "SkyBlue"              = 135, 206, 235
    "LightSkyBlue"         = 135, 206, 250
    "BlueViolet"           = 138, 43, 226
    "DarkRed"              = 139, 0, 0
    "DarkMagenta"          = 139, 0, 139
    "SaddleBrown"          = 139, 69, 19
    "DarkSeaGreen"         = 143, 188, 143
    "LightGreen"           = 144, 238, 144
    "MediumPurple"         = 147, 112, 219
    "DarkViolet"           = 148, 0, 211
    "PaleGreen"            = 152, 251, 152
    "DarkOrchid"           = 153, 50, 204
    "YellowGreen"          = 154, 205, 50
    "Sienna"               = 160, 82, 45
    "Brown"                = 165, 42, 42
    "DarkGray"             = 169, 169, 169
    "DarkGrey"             = 169, 169, 169
    "LightBlue"            = 173, 216, 230
    "GreenYellow"          = 173, 255, 47
    "PaleTurquoise"        = 175, 238, 238
    "LightSteelBlue"       = 176, 196, 222
    "PowderBlue"           = 176, 224, 230
    "FireBrick"            = 178, 34, 34
    "DarkGoldenrod"        = 184, 134, 11
    "MediumOrchid"         = 186, 85, 211
    "RosyBrown"            = 188, 143, 143
    "DarkKhaki"            = 189, 183, 107
    "Silver"               = 192, 192, 192
    "MediumVioletRed"      = 199, 21, 133
    "IndianRed"            = 205, 92, 92
    "Peru"                 = 205, 133, 63
    "Chocolate"            = 210, 105, 30
    "Tan"                  = 210, 180, 140
    "LightGray"            = 211, 211, 211
    "LightGrey"            = 211, 211, 211
    "Thistle"              = 216, 191, 216
    "Orchid"               = 218, 112, 214
    "Goldenrod"            = 218, 165, 32
    "PaleVioletRed"        = 219, 112, 147
    "Crimson"              = 220, 20, 60
    "Gainsboro"            = 220, 220, 220
    "Plum"                 = 221, 160, 221
    "BurlyWood"            = 222, 184, 135
    "LightCyan"            = 224, 255, 255
    "Lavender"             = 230, 230, 250
    "DarkSalmon"           = 233, 150, 122
    "Violet"               = 238, 130, 238
    "PaleGoldenrod"        = 238, 232, 170
    "LightCoral"           = 240, 128, 128
    "Khaki"                = 240, 230, 140
    "AliceBlue"            = 240, 248, 255
    "Honeydew"             = 240, 255, 240
    "Azure"                = 240, 255, 255
    "SandyBrown"           = 244, 164, 96
    "Wheat"                = 245, 222, 179
    "Beige"                = 245, 245, 220
    "WhiteSmoke"           = 245, 245, 245
    "MintCream"            = 245, 255, 250
    "GhostWhite"           = 248, 248, 255
    "Salmon"               = 250, 128, 114
    "AntiqueWhite"         = 250, 235, 215
    "Linen"                = 250, 240, 230
    "LightGoldenrodYellow" = 250, 250, 210
    "OldLace"              = 253, 245, 230
    "Red"                  = 255, 0, 0
    "Fuchsia"              = 255, 0, 255
    "Magenta"              = 255, 0, 255
    "DeepPink"             = 255, 20, 147
    "OrangeRed"            = 255, 69, 0
    "Tomato"               = 255, 99, 71
    "HotPink"              = 255, 105, 180
    "Coral"                = 255, 127, 80
    "DarkOrange"           = 255, 140, 0
    "LightSalmon"          = 255, 160, 122
    "Orange"               = 255, 165, 0
    "LightPink"            = 255, 182, 193
    "Pink"                 = 255, 192, 203
    "Gold"                 = 255, 215, 0
    "PeachPuff"            = 255, 218, 185
    "NavajoWhite"          = 255, 222, 173
    "Moccasin"             = 255, 228, 181
    "Bisque"               = 255, 228, 196
    "MistyRose"            = 255, 228, 225
    "BlanchedAlmond"       = 255, 235, 205
    "PapayaWhip"           = 255, 239, 213
    "LavenderBlush"        = 255, 240, 245
    "Seashell"             = 255, 245, 238
    "Cornsilk"             = 255, 248, 220
    "LemonChiffon"         = 255, 250, 205
    "FloralWhite"          = 255, 250, 240
    "Snow"                 = 255, 250, 250
    "Yellow"               = 255, 255, 0
    "LightYellow"          = 255, 255, 224
    "Ivory"                = 255, 255, 240
    "White"                = 255, 255, 255

    <# Alternative version
    "darkSlateGray" = 42, 42, 42
    "darkGray" = 163, 163, 163
    "whiteSmoke" = 240, 240, 240
    "whiteSmoke" = 242, 242, 242
    "DeepSkyBlue" = 0, 102, 221
    "DarkSlateGrey" = 38, 38, 38
    "DarkSlateGrey" = 51, 51, 51
    "cornflowerblue" = 0, 102, 153
    "WhiteSmoke" = 248, 248, 248
    "Green" = 0, 130, 0
    "SteelBlue" = 127, 157, 185
    "Red" = 163, 21, 21
    "cornflowerblue" = 43, 145, 175
    "Royalblue" = 46, 117, 181

function New-TeamsActivityImage {
    [alias('ActivityImageLink', 'TeamsActivityImageLink', 'New-TeamsActivityImageLink', 'ActivityImage', 'TeamsActivityImage')]
        [string][ValidateSet('Alert', 'Cancel', 'Disable', 'Download', 'Minus', 'Check', 'Add', 'None')] $Image,
        [string] $Link
    if ($Image) {
        if ($Image -ne 'None') {
            $StoredImages = [IO.Path]::Combine("$(Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)", "Images")
                ActivityImageLink = Get-Image -PathToImages $StoredImages -FileName $Image -FileExtension '.jpg' # -Verbose
                type              = 'ActivityImage'
    } else {
            ActivityImageLink = $Link
            Type              = 'ActivityImageLink'
function New-TeamsActivitySubtitle {
    [alias('ActivitySubtitle', 'TeamsActivitySubtitle')]
        [string] $Subtitle
        ActivitySubtitle = $Subtitle
        Type             = 'ActivitySubtitle'
function New-TeamsActivityText {
    [alias('ActivityText', 'TeamsActivityText')]
        [string] $Text
        ActivityText = $Text
        Type         = 'ActivityText'
function New-TeamsActivityTitle {
    [alias('ActivityTitle', 'TeamsActivityTitle')]
        [string] $Title
        ActivityTitle = $Title
        Type          = 'ActivityTitle'

function New-TeamsBigImage {
        [alias('Url', 'Uri')] $Link,
        [string] $AlternativeText = 'Alternative Text'
    if ($Link) {
        [ordered] @{
            image = "![$AlternativeText]($Link)"
            type  = 'HeroImageWorkaround'
function New-TeamsButton {
    param (
        [alias('ButtonName')][Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNull()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Name,
        [alias('TargetUri', 'Uri', 'Url')][Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNull()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Link,
        [alias('ButtonType')][string][ValidateSet('ViewAction', 'TextInput', 'DateInput', 'HttpPost', 'OpenUri')] $Type = 'ViewAction'
    if ($Type -eq 'ViewAction') {
        $Button = [ordered] @{
            '@context' = ''
            '@type'    = 'ViewAction'
            name       = "$Name"
            target     = @("$Link")
            type       = 'button' # this is only needed for module to process this correctly. JSON doesn't care
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'TextInput') {
        $Button = [ordered] @{
            #'@context' = ''
            '@type'  = 'ActionCard'
            'Name'   = $Name
            'Inputs' = @(
                    '@type'       = 'TextInput'
                    'id'          = 'Comment'
                    'isMultiLine' = $true
                    'title'       = 'Enter Your Text Input Here'
            actions  = @(
                    '@type'  = 'HttpPOST'
                    'Name'   = 'OK'
                    'target' = $Link
            type     = 'button' # this is only needed for module to process this correctly. JSON doesn't care
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'DateInput') {
        $Button = [ordered] @{
            '@type'  = 'ActionCard'
            'Name'   = $Name
            'Inputs' = @(
                    '@type' = 'DateInput'
                    'id'    = 'dueDate'
            actions  = @(
                    '@type'  = 'HttpPOST'
                    'Name'   = 'OK'
                    'target' = $Link
            type     = 'button' # this is only needed for module to process this correctly. JSON doesn't care
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'HttpPost') {
        $Button = [ordered] @{
            'name'   = $Name
            '@type'  = 'HttpPOST'
            'Target' = $Link
            type     = 'button' # this is only needed for module to process this correctly. JSON doesn't care
    } elseif ($Type -eq 'OpenUri') {
        $Button = [ordered] @{
            'name'    = $Name
            '@type'   = 'OpenURI'
            'Targets' = @(
                    'os'  = 'default'
                    'uri' = $Link
            type      = 'button' # this is only needed for module to process this correctly. JSON doesn't care
    return $Button
function New-TeamsFact {
    param (
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $Value
    $Fact = [ordered] @{
        name  = "$Name"
        value = "$Value"
        type  = 'fact' # this is only needed for module to process this correctly. JSON doesn't care
        #wrap = $false
    return $Fact
function New-TeamsImage {
        [alias('Url', 'Uri')] $Link
    if ($Link) {
        [ordered] @{
            image = $Link
            type  = 'image'
function New-TeamsList {
        [scriptblock] $List,
        [string] $Name

    if ($List) {
        $Output = & $List
        [Array] $Fact = foreach ($_ in $Output) {
            if ($_.Numbered) {
                $Type = '1. '
            } else {
                $Type = "- "
            if ($_.Type -eq 'ListItem') {
                "`t" * $_.Level + $Type + $_.Text
        [string] $Value = $Fact -join "`r" #[System.Environment]::NewLine

        New-TeamsFact -Name $Name -Value $Value
function New-TeamsListItem {
        [string] $Text,
        [int] $Level,
        [switch] $Numbered
    [ordered] @{
        Text     = $Text
        Level    = $Level
        Numbered = $Numbered.IsPresent
        Type     = 'ListItem'
function New-TeamsSection {
    param (
        [scriptblock] $SectionInput,
        [string] $Title,
        [string] $ActivityTitle,
        [string] $ActivitySubtitle ,
        [string] $ActivityImageLink,
        [string][ValidateSet('Alert', 'Cancel', 'Disable', 'Download', 'Minus', 'Check', 'Add', 'None')] $ActivityImage = 'None',
        [string] $ActivityText,
        [string] $Text,
        [switch] $StartGroup
    if ($ActivityImage -ne 'None') {
        $StoredImages = [IO.Path]::Combine("$(Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)", "Images")
        $ActivityImageLink = Get-Image -PathToImages $StoredImages -FileName $ActivityImage -FileExtension '.jpg' # -Verbose

    $ButtonsList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new()
    $FactList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new()
    $ImagesList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new()
    $ImageHeroList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.IDictionary]]::new()

    if ($SectionInput) {
        $SectionOutput = & $SectionInput
        foreach ($_ in $SectionOutput) {
            if ($_.Type -eq 'button') {
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'fact') {
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'image') {
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'HeroImageWorkaround') {
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'ActivityTitle') {
                $ActivityTitle = $_.ActivityTitle
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'ActivitySubtitle') {
                $ActivitySubtitle = $_.ActivitySubtitle
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'ActivityImageLink') {
                $ActivityImageLink = $_.ActivityImageLink
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'ActivityText') {
                $ActivityText = $_.ActivityText
            } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'ActivityImage') {
                $ActivityImageLink = $_.ActivityImageLink

    $Section = [ordered] @{ }
    if ($Title) {
        $Section.title = $Title
    if ($ActivityTitle) {
        $Section.activityTitle = "$($ActivityTitle)"
    if ($ActivitySubtitle) {
        $Section.activitySubtitle = "$($ActivitySubtitle)"
    if ($ActivityImageLink) {
        $Section.activityImage = "$($ActivityImageLink)"
    if ($ActivityText) {
        $Section.activityText = "$($ActivityText)"

    # $section.heroImage = @{ image = "" }

    if ($Text -or $ImageHeroList.Count -gt 0) {
        if ($ImageHeroList.Count -gt 0) {
            [string] $TextBundle = @(
                foreach ($_ in $ImageHeroList) {
                if ($Text) {
        } else {
            [string] $TextBundle = $Text
        $section.text = $TextBundle
    if ($ImagesList.Count -gt 0) {
        $section.images = @( $ImagesList )
    if ($StartGroup) {
        $Section.startGroup = $startGroup.IsPresent
    if ($null -ne $ActivityDetails -or $FactList.Count -gt 0) {
        $Section.facts = @(
            if ($SectionInput) {
            } else {
    if ($null -ne $Buttons -or $ButtonsList.Count -gt 0) {
        $Section.potentialAction = @(
            if ($SectionInput) {
            } else {
    return $Section
function Send-TeamsMessage {
    Param (
        [scriptblock] $SectionsInput,
        [alias("TeamsID", 'Url')][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Uri,
        [bool] $Supress = $true,
        [switch] $ShowErrors
    if ($SectionsInput) {
        $Output = & $SectionsInput
    } else {
        $Output = $Sections

    if ($Color -or $Color -ne 'None') {
        try {
            $ThemeColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Color
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            Write-Warning "Send-TeamsMessage - Color conversion for $Color failed. Error message: $ErrorMessage"
            $ThemeColor = $null
    # Write-Verbose "Send-TeamsMessage - Color: $Color ColorConverted: $ThemeColor"
    #Write-Verbose "Send-TeamsMessage - Color: $Color Color HEX $ThemeColor"
    $Body = Add-TeamsBody -MessageTitle $MessageTitle `
        -MessageText $MessageText `
        -ThemeColor $ThemeColor `
        -Sections $Output `
        -MessageSummary $MessageSummary `
    try {
        $Execute = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        if ($ShowErrors) {
            Write-Error "Couldn't send message. Error $ErrorMessage"
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Send-TeamsMessage - Couldn't send message. Error: $ErrorMessage"
    Write-Verbose "Send-TeamsMessage - Execute $Execute Body $Body"
    if (-not $Supress) { return $Body }

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Send-TeamsMessage -ParameterName Color -ScriptBlock { $Script:RGBColors.Keys }
function Send-TeamsMessageBody {
    param (
        [alias("TeamsID", 'Url')][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Uri,
        [string] $Body,
        [bool] $Supress = $true
    try {
        $Execute = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        Write-Warning "Send-TeamsMessageBody - Failed with error message: $ErrorMessage"
    Write-Verbose "Send-TeamsMessage - Execute $Execute Body $Body"
    if (-not $Supress) { return $Body }

Export-ModuleMember -Function @('New-TeamsActivityImage', 'New-TeamsActivitySubtitle', 'New-TeamsActivityText', 'New-TeamsActivityTitle', 'New-TeamsBigImage', 'New-TeamsButton', 'New-TeamsFact', 'New-TeamsImage', 'New-TeamsList', 'New-TeamsListItem', 'New-TeamsSection', 'Send-TeamsMessage', 'Send-TeamsMessageBody') -Alias @('ActivityImage', 'ActivityImageLink', 'ActivitySubtitle', 'ActivityText', 'ActivityTitle', 'New-TeamsActivityImageLink', 'TeamsActivityImage', 'TeamsActivityImageLink', 'TeamsActivitySubtitle', 'TeamsActivityText', 'TeamsActivityTitle', 'TeamsBigImage', 'TeamsButton', 'TeamsFact', 'TeamsImage', 'TeamsList', 'TeamsListItem', 'TeamsMessage', 'TeamsMessageBody', 'TeamsSection')