
    - Fills out a template filled with {{name}} variables using a hash table
    - Template should be formatted as a string, with {{<VariableName>}} used as the tokens to replace
    - Replacements should be in a hash table as <VariableName> = ReplacementValue
    - Fill-Template -Template "simple {{Type}} but could be a here-string" -Variables @{'Type' = 'string'}
    - returns: simple string but could be a here-string
.parameter Template
    - the template in the form of a string
.parameter Variables
    - the variable key-value pairs to replace
    - returns the input Template form with the replacements applied
    Author: Ben Renninson

function Invoke-PSTemplate

        # don't join anything: we want to return the output in the same form as the input

        $Return = $Template

        $Variables.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object Name,Value | ForEach-Object {
            $Return = $Return.Replace("{{$($_.Name)}}",$_.Value)
        return $Return    




New-Alias -Name Fill-Template -Value Invoke-PSTemplate