
function Get-PSTenableAssetAnalysis {
        Returns all vulnerablitiies that are associated with a device in Tenable.
        This function provides a way to retreive all vulnerabilities associated with a scanned device in Tenable.
        PS C:\> Get-PSTenableAssetAnalysis -ComputerName ""
        This retreives all vulnerabilities reported by Tenable from computername
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Computername in Tenable that you're searching for
        Make sure the computername is spelled correctly, otherwise the request will fail.

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        $TokenExpiry = Invoke-PSTenableTokenStatus
        if ($TokenExpiry -eq $True) {Invoke-PSTenableTokenRenewal}

    process {

        $query = @{
            "tool"       = "vulnipdetail"
            "sortField"  = "cveID"
            "sortDir"    = "ASC"
            "type"       = "vuln"
            "sourceType" = "cumulative"
            "query"      = @{
                "name"         = ""
                "description"  = ""
                "context"      = ""
                "status"       = "-1"
                "createdTime"  = 0
                "modifiedtime" = 0
                "sourceType"   = "cumulative"
                "sortDir"      = "desc"
                "tool"         = "listvuln"
                "groups"       = "[]"
                "type"         = "vuln"
                "startOffset"  = 0
                "endOffset"    = 5000
                "filters"      = [array]@{
                    "id"           = "dnsName"
                    "filterName"   = "dnsName"
                    "operator"     = "="
                    "type"         = "vuln"
                    "ispredefined" = $true
                    "value"        = "$ComputerName"
                "vulntool"     = "listvuln"
                "sortField"    = "severity"

        $Splat = @{
            Method   = "Post"
            Body     = $(ConvertTo-Json $query -depth 5)
            Endpoint = "/analysis"


    end {
        Invoke-PSTenableRest @Splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Results