
function Get-PSTenableCVE {
        Retrieves all devices in Tenable affected by the CVE passthrough to the user.
        This function provides a way to retrieve all devices affected by a CVE that is passed to the function.
        PS C:\> @("CVE-2019-0708","CVE-2019-13046") | Get-PSTenableCVE
        This passes an array of CVE's to the fucntion and returns and all devices affected by the CVEs.
        PS C:\> Get-PSTenableCVE -CVE "CVE-2019-0708"
        This returns all devices affected by CVE-2019-0708
        CVE Number, such as CVE-2019-0708
        Remember you can pass one or multiple CVE's in an array.

    param (
        [parameter(Position = 0,
            mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    begin {
        $TokenExpiry = Invoke-PSTenableTokenStatus
        if ($TokenExpiry -eq $True) {Invoke-PSTenableTokenRenewal}

    process {

        $output = foreach ($item in $CVE) {
            $query = @{
                "tool"       = "vulnipdetail";
                "sortField"  = "cveID";
                "sortDir"    = "ASC";
                "type"       = "vuln";
                "sourceType" = "cumulative";
                "query"      = @{
                    "createdTime"  = 0;
                    "sourceType"   = "cumulative";
                    "sortDir"      = "desc";
                    "tool"         = "vulnipdetail";
                    "modifiedTime" = 0;
                    "name"         = "";
                    "type"         = "vuln";
                    "filters"      = [array]@{
                        "operator"   = "=";
                        "value"      = $item;
                        "filterName" = "cveID"
                    "description"  = "";
                    "sortField"    = "severity";
                    "startOffset"  = 0;
                    "context"      = "";
                    "endOffset"    = 5000

            $Splat = @{
                Method   = "Post"
                Body     = $(ConvertTo-Json $query -depth 5)
                Endpoint = "/analysis"

            Invoke-PSTenableRest @Splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Results


        ## Get the pluginID and then call Get-TenablePlugin, and then output those results
        Foreach ($Plugin in $output.response.results.pluginid) {
            Get-PSTenablePlugin -ID $Plugin


    end {
