
function Get-PSTenablePlugin {
        Retrieves all devices that are affected by PluginID.
        This function provides a way to retrieve all devices affected by a specific PluginID that is passed to the function.
        PS C:\> Get-PSTenablePlugin -ID "20007"
        This passes PluginID 20007 CVE's to the function and returns and all devices affected by the PluginID 20007.
        PS C:\> Get-PSTenablePlugin -ID "20007" -PluginOutput
        This passes PluginID 20007 CVE's to the function and returns and all devices affected by the PluginID 20007, along with the plugin output.
        PS C:\> @("20007","31705") Get-PSTenablePlugin
        This passes PluginID 20007 CVE's to the function and returns and all devices affected by the PluginID 20007.
        PluginID from Tenable
    .PARAMETER PluginOutput
        Switch that changes output type to include plugin output
        You can pass one or multiple PluginID's in an array.

    param (
        [parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


    begin {
        $TokenExpiry = Invoke-PSTenableTokenStatus
        if ($TokenExpiry -eq $True) {Invoke-PSTenableTokenRenewal}

    process {

        $pluginID | ForEach-Object {


        foreach ($pluginID in $ID) {

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PluginOutput')) {
                $tool = "vulndetails"
            else {
                $tool = "listvuln"

            $query = @{
                "tool"       = "vulnipdetail"
                "sortField"  = "cveID"
                "sortDir"    = "ASC"
                "type"       = "vuln"
                "sourceType" = "cumulative"
                "query"      = @{
                    "name"         = ""
                    "description"  = ""
                    "context"      = ""
                    "status"       = "-1"
                    "createdTime"  = 0
                    "modifiedtime" = 0
                    "sourceType"   = "cumulative"
                    "sortDir"      = "desc"
                    "tool"         = "$tool"
                    "groups"       = "[]"
                    "type"         = "vuln"
                    "startOffset"  = 0
                    "endOffset"    = 5000
                    "filters"      = [array]@{
                        "id"           = "pluginID"
                        "filterName"   = "pluginID"
                        "operator"     = "="
                        "type"         = "vuln"
                        "ispredefined" = $true
                        "value"        = "$pluginID"
                    "vulntool"     = "listvuln"
                    "sortField"    = "severity"

            $Splat = @{
                Method   = "Post"
                Body     = $(ConvertTo-Json $query -depth 5)
                Endpoint = "/analysis"

            (Invoke-PSTenableRest @Splat).Response.Results



    end {
