
function Get-PSTenableWindowsServerJava {
        Retrieves all devices that are have an old version of Java, with a high or critical rating.
        This function provides a way to retrieves all devices that are have an old version of Java, with a high or critical rating.
        PS C:\> Get-PSTenableWindowsServerJava
        This retrieves Java vulnerabilities that are high or critical for Windows hosts.
        Helpful for retrieving all instances of Java running in your environment that is insecure.

    param (


    Begin {
        $TokenExpiry = Invoke-PSTenableTokenStatus
        if ($TokenExpiry -eq $True) {Invoke-PSTenableTokenRenewal}

    process {
        $query = @{
            "query"      = @{
                "name"          = ""
                "description"   = ""
                "context"       = ""
                "status"        = -1
                "createdTime"   = 0
                "modifiedtime"  = 0
                "sortDir"       = "desc"
                "tool"          = "listvuln"
                "sourceType"    = "cumulative"
                "groups"        = "[]"
                "type"          = "vuln"
                "startOffset"   = 0
                "endOffset"     = 5000
                "sortField"     = "severity"
                "filters"       = @(
                        "id"           = "family"
                        "filterName"   = "family"
                        "operator"     = "="
                        "Type"         = "vuln"
                        "isPredefined" = $true
                        "value"        = @(
                                "id" = "20"
                        "id"           = "pluginName"
                        "filterName"   = "pluginName"
                        "operator"     = "="
                        "type"         = "vuln"
                        "isPredefined" = $true
                        "value"        = "Oracle Java SE"
                        "id"           = "severity"
                        "filterName"   = "severity"
                        "operator"     = "="
                        "type"         = "vuln"
                        "isPredefined" = $true
                        "value"        = "3,4"
                "sortColumn"    = "severity"
                "sortDirection" = "desc"
                "vulnTool"      = "listvuln"
            "sourceType" = "cumulative"
            "sortField"  = "severity"
            "sortDir"    = "desc"
            "type"       = "vuln"
            "columns"    = "[]"
        $Splat = @{
            Method   = "Post"
            Body     = $(ConvertTo-Json $query -depth 50)
            Endpoint = "/analysis"

        Invoke-PSTenableRest @Splat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Response | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Results


    End {
