
function Get-TvSport {
    Get Sporting events from
    unofficial use of api... could break
    All parameters are optional for filtering
    trackd 2022-10-29
    just created this to learn a bit more
    .PARAMETER Sport
    Choose which sport you want to see
    acceptable inputs Ishockey, Fotboll, Bandy, Handboll, Tennis, Vintersport, Motorsport, Other, all
    if none is selected, all is chosen per default.
    .PARAMETER Viewall
    if selected will show previous and future sport events for the day
    if not selected it will only current and future sport events the day
    .PARAMETER Reruns
    parameter to show rerun events
    by default reruns are not shown.
    acceptable input is today or tomorrow
    default today
    .PARAMETER Tournament
    search for Tournaments, like: SHL, VM, EM
    source data appears a bit spotty, so could sometimes not match correctly.
    use with caution.
    title search for your team
    Get-Tvsport -Team Malmö
    Get-Tvsport -Team Sweden
    show all attributes (same as | fl * )
    will use this to test new properties in the future.
    Title = Event Title
    Live = Live event? Not reliable info
    Channel = Which TV Channel is the game on
    Stream = Which Stream is the game on
    Time = Event start
    StreamStart = Stream start (can be array if reruns etc)
    StreamEnd = Stream end (can be array if reruns etc)
    Date = date of event
    Tournament = which league, cup etc.
    Sport = which sport
    HomeTeam = "team1", should be home team for most sports, possible NHL is reverse. not realiable
    AwayTeam = "team2", should be away team for most sports, possible NHL is reverse. not realiable
    Rerun = is this a rerun game
    Description = description of event
    will return all current and future sport events for today
    no reruns, no previous events, "limited default output"
    all ishockey games for today
    Get-TvSport -Sport Ishockey
    All fotball games for tomorrow including reruns, all available properties
    Get-TvSport -Sport fotboll -Day Tomorrow -Reruns -Full

        [ValidateSet('Ishockey', 'Fotboll', 'Bandy', 'Handboll', 'Tennis', 'Vintersport', 'Motorsport', 'Other', 'all')]
        [string] $Sport,
        [Switch] $Viewall,
        [Switch] $Reruns,
        [ValidateSet('Today', 'Tomorrow')]
        [string] $Day,
        [Switch] $Full,
        [String] $Team,
        [String] $Tournament
    begin {
        switch ($Sport) {
            All { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=1&sportGroups[]=2&sportGroups[]=6&sportGroups[]=7&sportGroups[]=8&sportGroups[]=9&sportGroups[]=10&sportGroups[]=11' }
            Fotboll { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=1' }
            Ishockey { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=2' }
            Bandy { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=6' }
            Handboll { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=7' }
            Tennis { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=8' }
            Vintersport { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=9' }
            Motorsport { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=10' }
            Other { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=11' }
            Default { $sportfilter = 'sportGroups[]=1&sportGroups[]=2&sportGroups[]=6&sportGroups[]=7&sportGroups[]=8&sportGroups[]=9&sportGroups[]=10&sportGroups[]=11' }
        if ($Viewall) { $Viewall2 = 'true' } else { $Viewall2 = 'false' }
        if ($Reruns) { $Reruns2 = 'true' } else { $Reruns2 = 'false' }
        switch ($Day) {
            Today { if ((Get-Date) -lt (Get-Date 05:00)) { $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') } else { $date = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') } }
            Tomorrow { if ((Get-Date) -lt (Get-Date 05:00)) { $date = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') } else { $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') } }
            Default { if ((Get-Date) -lt (Get-Date 05:00)) { $date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') } else { $date = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') } }
        $games = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
        $i = 1
    process {
        try {
            $useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'
            $headers = @{
                'authority'       = ''
                'method'          = 'GET'
                'scheme'          = 'https'
                'accept'          = 'application/json, text/plain, */*'
                'accept-encoding' = 'gzip, deflate, br'
                'accept-language' = 'en-US,en;q=0.9,sv-SE;q=0.8,sv;q=0.7'
                'origin'          = ''
            $channels = 'modules[]=pp-13&modules[]=pp-12&modules[]=ch-51&modules[]=ch-52&modules[]=pp-14&modules[]=ed-6&modules[]=pp-18&modules[]=ch-60&modules[]=ed-19&modules[]=ch-27&modules[]=pl-3&modules[]=pp-31&modules[]=ch-63&modules[]=ch-65&modules[]=pp-9&modules[]=ch-64&modules[]=ed-15&modules[]=ch-66&modules[]=pp-34&modules[]=ch-67&modules[]=pp-30&modules[]=tl-13&modules[]=ch-68&modules[]=pp-4&modules[]=ch-70&modules[]=pp-16&modules[]=ch-88&modules[]=pc-8&modules[]=ch-132&modules[]=pl-2&modules[]=ch-49&modules[]=ch-53&modules[]=pp-33&modules[]=ch-54&modules[]=pp-36&modules[]=ch-30233'
            $url = "$($channels)&preset=sport&scheduleDate=$($date)&$($sportfilter)&viewAll=$($viewall2)&withReruns=$($reruns2)"
            $raw = Invoke-RestMethod -UserAgent $useragent -Headers $headers -Uri $url
            $Response += $
            while ($false -ne $raw.meta.pagination.hasNext) {
                $url = "$($channels)&page=$($i)&preset=sport&scheduleDate=$($date)&$($sportfilter)&viewAll=$($viewall2)&withReruns=$($reruns2)"
                $raw = Invoke-RestMethod -UserAgent $useragent -Headers $headers -Uri $url
                $Response += $
            foreach ($game in $Response) {
                $object = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Title       = $game.title
                    Live        = $game.isLive
                    Channel     = $ -join ','
                    Stream      = $ -join ','
                    Time        = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($game.eventTime).LocalDateTime.ToString('ddd HH:mm')
                    StreamStart = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($game.playEpisodes.streamstart).LocalDateTime.ToString('ddd HH:mm') -join ','
                    StreamEnd   = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($game.playEpisodes.streamend).LocalDateTime.ToString('ddd HH:mm') -join ','
                    Date        = $game.scheduleDate
                    Tournament  = $game.tournament
                    Sport       = $game.Sport
                    HomeTeam    = $
                    AwayTeam    = $
                    Rerun       = $game.broadcasts.isRerun -join ','
                    Description = $game.description
                    StartFull   = [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($game.eventTime).LocalDateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')
        } catch {
            Write-Error "ERROR $($error[0].exception.message)"
    end {
        if (!$Full) {
            $fields = 'Time', 'Title', 'Channel', 'Stream', 'Tournament', 'Sport'
            $default = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet',[string[]]$fields)
            $members = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($default)
            $games | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $members
        if ($Team) {
            $games | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Title -like "*$($Team)*" } | Sort-Object -Property StartFull
        } elseif ($Tournament) {
            $games | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Tournament -like "*$($Tournament)*" } | Sort-Object -Property StartFull
        } else {
            $games | Sort-Object -Property StartFull