
function Get-TwitterFriendships_Lookup {
    Follow, search, and get users
    GET friendships/lookup
    Returns the relationships of the authenticating user to the comma-separated list of up to 100 screen_names or user_ids provided. Values for connections can be: following, following_requested, followed_by, none, blocking, muting.
.PARAMETER screen_name
    A comma separated list of screen names, up to 100 are allowed in a single request.
.PARAMETER user_id
    A comma separated list of user IDs, up to 100 are allowed in a single request.
    This helper function was generated by the information provided here:

    Begin {

        [hashtable]$Parameters = $PSBoundParameters
                   $CmdletBindingParameters | ForEach-Object { $Parameters.Remove($_) }

        [string]$Method      = 'GET'
        [string]$Resource    = '/friendships/lookup'
        [string]$ResourceUrl = ''

    Process {

        If (-Not $OAuthSettings) { $OAuthSettings = Get-TwitterOAuthSettings -Resource $Resource }
        Invoke-TwitterAPI -Method $Method -ResourceUrl $ResourceUrl -Resource $Resource -Parameters $Parameters -OAuthSettings $OAuthSettings

    End {
