
function Send-TwitterCollections_EntriesMove {
    Curate a collection of Tweets

    POST collections/entries/move
    Move a specified Tweet to a new position in a curation_reverse_chron ordered collection.

    The identifier of the Collection receiving the Tweet.

.PARAMETER tweet_id
    The identifier of the Tweet to add to the Collection.

.PARAMETER relative_to
    The identifier of the Tweet used for relative positioning.

    Set to false to insert the specified tweet_id below the relative_to Tweet in the collection. Default: true

    This helper function was generated by the information provided here:


    Begin {

        [hashtable]$Parameters = $PSBoundParameters
                   $CmdletBindingParameters | ForEach-Object { $Parameters.Remove($_) }

        [string]$Method      = 'POST'
        [string]$Resource    = '/collections/entries/move'
        [string]$ResourceUrl = ''

    Process {

        # Find & Replace any ResourceUrl parameters.
        $UrlParameters = [regex]::Matches($ResourceUrl, '(?<!\w):\w+')
        ForEach ($UrlParameter in $UrlParameters) {
            $UrlParameterValue = $Parameters["$($UrlParameter.Value.TrimStart(":"))"]
            $ResourceUrl = $ResourceUrl -Replace $UrlParameter.Value, $UrlParameterValue

        $OAuthSettings = Get-TwitterOAuthSettings -Resource $Resource
        Invoke-TwitterAPI -Method $Method -ResourceUrl $ResourceUrl -Parameters $Parameters -OAuthSettings $OAuthSettings

    End {
