
function Import-PSUAlias
            Internal command to set aliases in a user-controlled fashion.
            Internal command to set aliases in a user-controlled fashion.
            - Can be blocked by setting a config "PSUtil.Import.Aliases.$Name" to $false.
            - Will not overwrite existing aliases
        .PARAMETER Name
            Name of the alias to set.
        .PARAMETER Command
            Name of the command to alias.
            PS C:\> Import-PSUAlias -Name grep -Command Select-String
            Sets the alias grep for the command Select-String

    Param (
    if ((-not (Test-Path alias:$name)) -and (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName PSUtil.Import.Aliases.$name -Fallback $true))
        New-Alias -Name $Name -Value $Command -Option AllScope -Force -Scope Global