
Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name PSUtil-Input-Object -ScriptBlock {
    [System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]$pipelineAst = $commandAst.parent
    $index = $pipelineAst.PipelineElements.IndexOf($commandAst)
    #region If it's the first command
    if ($index -lt 1)
    #endregion If it's the first command
    $properties = @()
    $constraintsPositive = @()
    #region Process pre-commands
    $inputIndex = $index - 1
    :main while ($true)
        if ($pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].CommandElements)
            # Resolve command and fail if it breaks
            $command = Get-Command $pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].CommandElements[0].Value -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($command -is [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo]) { $command = $command.ResolvedCommand }
            if (-not $command) { break }
            switch ($command.Name)
                'Where-Object' { $inputIndex = $inputIndex - 1; continue main }
                'Tee-Object' { $inputIndex = $inputIndex - 1; continue main }
                #region Select-Object
                    $firstAst = $pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].CommandElements | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ArrayLiteralAst] } | Select-Object -First 1
                    foreach ($element in $firstAst.Elements)
                        switch ($element.GetType().FullName)
                                $constraintsPositive += $element.Value
                                if ($element.Value -notmatch "\*") { $properties += $element.Value }
                                $constraintsPositive += ($element.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object Item1 -Match '^N$|^Name$' | Select-Object -First 1).Item2.ToString().Trim('"')
                                $properties += ($element.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object Item1 -Match '^N$|^Name$' | Select-Object -First 1).Item2.ToString().Trim('"')
                    $inputIndex = $inputIndex - 1;
                    continue main
                #endregion Select-Object
                #region Select-PSFObject
                    $firstAst = $pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].CommandElements | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ArrayLiteralAst] } | Select-Object -First 1
                    foreach ($element in $firstAst.Elements)
                        switch ($element.GetType().FullName)
                                $par = [PSFramework.Parameter.SelectParameter]$element.Value
                                if ($par.Value -match "\*") { $constraintsPositive += $par.Value }
                                    if ($par.Value -is [System.String])
                                        $properties += $par.Value
                                        $constraintsPositive += $par.Value
                                        $properties += $par.Value["Name"]
                                        $constraintsPositive += $par.Value["Name"]
                                $properties += ($element.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object Item1 -Match '^N$|^Name$' | Select-Object -First 1).Item2.ToString().Trim('"')
                                $constraintsPositive += ($element.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object Item1 -Match '^N$|^Name$' | Select-Object -First 1).Item2.ToString().Trim('"')
                    $inputIndex = $inputIndex - 1;
                #endregion Select-PSFObject
                default { break main }
    # Catch moving through _all_ options in the pipeline
    if ($inputIndex -lt 0) { return $properties }
    #endregion Process pre-commands
    #region Input from command
    if ($pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].CommandElements)
        if ($command = Get-Command $pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].CommandElements[0].Value -ErrorAction Ignore)
            switch ($command.Name)
                #region Default for commands
                    foreach ($type in $command.OutputType.Type)
                        switch ($type.GetType().FullName)
                                $properties += ($type.GetMembers("Instance, Public") | Where-Object MemberType -match "Field|Property").Name
                                $properties += 'PSChildName', 'PSDrive', 'PSIsContainer', 'PSParentPath', 'PSPath', 'PSProvider', 'BaseName'
                                $properties += ($type.GetMembers("Instance, Public") | Where-Object MemberType -match "Field|Property").Name
                                $properties += 'PSChildName', 'PSDrive', 'PSIsContainer', 'PSParentPath', 'PSPath', 'PSProvider', 'BaseName', 'VersionInfo'
                            default { $properties += ($type.GetMembers("Instance, Public") | Where-Object MemberType -match "Field|Property").Name }
                #endregion Default for commands
    #endregion Input from command
    #region Input from Variable
    if ($pipelineAst.PipelineElements[$inputIndex].Expression -and $pipelineAst.PipelineElements[0].Expression[0].VariablePath)
        $properties += ((Get-Variable -Name $pipelineAst.PipelineElements[0].Expression[0].VariablePath.UserPath -ValueOnly) | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Name
    #endregion Input from Variable
    $properties | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object {
        if (-not $constraintsPositive) { $_ }
        foreach ($constraint in $constraintsPositive)
            if ($_ -like $constraint)