
function Read-PSUKnowledge
        Searches for knowledge.
        Searches for knowledge.
        Generally, knowledge must first be generated using Write-PSUKnowledge.
        This allows these functions to server as a searchable notes section right within your console.
        However, there might be some other ways to seek knowledge ...
        The name of the knowledge entry.
        Tags to search by. At least one of the specified tags must be contained.
    .PARAMETER Pattern
        Search Name and text of the page by using this regex pattern.
        The book to search in.
        By default you only have one and don't need to worry about this.
    .PARAMETER Online
        Mysterious parameter. I wonder what it does ...
        PS C:\> Read-PSUKnowledge
        Lists all knowledge entries.
        PS C:\> Read-PSUKnowledge -Tags DNS
        Lists all knowledge entries with the tag "DNS"
        PS C:\> read -p ldap
        Lists all knowledge entries with the string "ldap" in name or text.

    param (
        [parameter(Position = 0)]
        $Name = '*',
        $Pattern = '.',
        $Book = '*',
        $libraryPath = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSUtil.Knowledge.LibraryPath'
        # Gimmick: Search in wikipedia
        if ($Online)
            $url = "$Name"
            Start-Process $url
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $libraryPath)) { return }
        foreach ($bookFile in (Get-ChildItem -Path $libraryPath -Filter *.json))
            $bookName = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString(([convert]::FromBase64String($bookFile.BaseName)))
            if ($bookName -notlike $Book) { continue }
            $data = Get-Content -Path $bookFile.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
            foreach ($page in $data)
                if ($page.Name -notlike $Name) { continue }
                if ($Tags -and -not ($Tags | Where-Object { $_ -in $page.Tags })) { continue }
                if ($Pattern -ne '.')
                    $matched = $false
                    if ($page.Name -match $Pattern) { $matched = $true }
                    elseif ($page.Text -match $Pattern) { $matched = $true }
                    if (-not $matched) { continue }
                $page | Select-PSFObject -KeepInputObject -TypeName 'PSUtil.Knowledge.Page'
Import-PSUAlias -Name 'read' -Command Read-PSUKnowledge
Import-PSUAlias -Name 'rdk' -Command Read-PSUKnowledge
Import-PSUAlias -Name 'page' -Command Read-PSUKnowledge
Import-PSUAlias -Name 'learn' -Command Read-PSUKnowledge