
function Register-PSUObjectExpansion
        Registers a custom scriptblock for a type when processed by Expand-PSUObject.
        Registers a custom scriptblock for a type when processed by Expand-PSUObject.
        Expand-PSUObject enables accelerated object expansion,
        by shortening the "Select-Object -ExpandProperty" call to "exp".
        It further has a list of default properties to expand,
        but it also allows implementing custom expansion rules, based on input type.
        This commands sets up these custom expansion rules.
        Define a scriptblock, it receives a single parameter - the input object to expand.
        The scriptblock is then responsible for expanding it and producing the desired output.
    .PARAMETER TypeName
        The name of the type to custom-expand.
    .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
        The scriptblock performing the expansion.
        PS C:\> Register-PSUObjectExpansion -TypeName 'MyModule.MyClass' -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
        Sets up a custom expansion rule for the 'MyModule.MyClass' class.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [PSUtil.Object.ObjectHost]::ExpandedTypes[$TypeName] = $ScriptBlock