
# ===========================================================================
# Get-VirtualEnvRequirement.ps1 -------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# validation --------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class ValidateVirtualEnv : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
    [String[]] GetValidValues() {
        return [String[]] ((Get-VirtualEnv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) + "" + "python")

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-VirtualEnvRequirement {

        Create the requirement file of a specific virtual environment.
    .PARAMETER Python
    .PARAMETER Upgrade



        [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")]
        [System.String] $Name="",

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="If switch 'Python' is true, packages will be installed in default python distribution.")]
        [Switch] $Python,

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="If switch 'All' is true, the requirement file for all existing virtual environments will be generated.")]
        [Switch] $All,

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="If switch 'Upgrade' is true the requirement file is prepared for upgrading packages.")]
        [Switch] $Upgrade

    Process {

        # check valide virtual environment
        if ($Name -and -not $Python) {
            if ($Name -eq "python"){

            if (-not(Test-VirtualEnv -Name $Name)){
                Write-FormattedError -Message "The virtual environment '$($Name)' does not exist." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space


            $virtualEnv = @{ Name = $Name }

        # if default python distribution shall be modified set a placeholder
        if ($Python) {
            $virtualEnv = @{ Name = "python" }

        # Get all existing virtual environments if 'Name' is not set
        if ($All) {
            $virtualEnv = Get-VirtualEnv

        $virtualEnv | ForEach-Object {

            # get full path of requirement file
            $requirement_file = Get-VirtualEnvRequirementFile -Name $_.Name

            # get python distribution
            if ($Python) {
                $python_exe = Find-Python -Force
            else {
                $python_exe = Get-VirtualPython -Name $_.Name

            # create the requirement file of the specified virtual environment
            . $python_exe -m pip freeze > $requirement_file
            if ($Upgrade){
                $(Get-Content $requirement_file) -replace "==", ">=" | Out-File -FilePath $requirement_file

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get-VirtualEnvRequirementFile {

        Create the requirement file of a specific virtual environment.
        System.String. Full path of virtual environment requirements file.



        [Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$True, Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment.")]
        [System.String] $Name

    Process {

        return Join-Path -Path $PSVirtualEnv.RequireDir -ChildPath "$($Name)-requirements.txt" 