
# ===========================================================================
# Remove-VirtualEnv.ps1 ---------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Remove-VirtualEnv  {

        Removes a specific virtual environment in the predefined directory.
        Removes a specific virtual environment in the predefined virtual environment directory. All available virtual environments can be accessed by autocompletion.
        PS C:\> Remove-VirtualEnv -Name venv
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual Environment 'venv' was deleted permanently.
        Removes the specified virtual environment 'venv'. All available virtual environments can be accessed by autocompletion.
        PS C:\> rm-venv venv
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual Environment 'venv' was deleted permanently.
        Removes the specified virtual environment 'venv' with predefined alias of command.
        System.String. Name of virtual environment, which should be removed.



        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of virtual environment, which should be removed.")]
        [System.String] $Name

        # check whether the specified virtual environment exists
        if (-not $(Test-VirtualEnv -Name $Name -Verbose)){

        # deactivation of a running virtual environment

        # get the full path of the specified virtual environment, which is located in the predefined system path
        $virtualEnvDir = Get-VirtualEnvPath -Name $Name
        # remove specified virtual environment
        Remove-Item -Path $virtualEnvDir -Recurse -Force
        # check whether the virtual environment could be removed
        if (-not $(Test-Path -Path $virtualEnvDir)) {
            Write-FormattedSuccess -Message "Virtual Environment '$Name' was deleted permanently." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space
        else {
            Write-FormattedError -Message "Virtual environment '$Name' could not be deleted." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space

        return $(Get-VirtualEnv)
