
# ===========================================================================
# Edit-Requirement.ps1 -----------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Edit-Requirement {

        Edit the content of an existing requirement file.
        Edit the content of an existing requirement file iin defined editor. All available requirement files can be accessed by autocompletion.
    .PARAMETER Requirement
        PS C:\> Edit-Requirement -Name venv
        Open the requirement file of an existing virtual environment in defined editor. All available requirement files can be accessed by autocompletion.
        System.String. Relative path of existing requirement file



        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage="Relative path to a requirements file, or name of a virtual environment.")]
        [System.String] $Requirement

    Process {

        # get existing requirement file
        if ($Requirement) {   
            $requirement_file = Join-Path -Path $PSVirtualEnv.RequireDir -ChildPath $Requirement

        $editor_args = $($PSVirtualEnv.EditorArgs + " " + $requirement_file)
        # open existing requirement file
        Start-Process -Path $PSVirtualEnv.Editor -NoNewWindow -Args $editor_args