
function Get-VCUser





        [VisualCronAPI.Server[]]$VCServer = (Get-VCSelectedServer)

        foreach ($_vCServer in $VCServer)
            # Get all Users and filter result, based on given Parameters
            $allUsers = $_vCServer.Permissions.GetAllUsersArray()

            # Decrypt Propertys 'Name','Username','Email' with .Decrypt Method of vcServer
            # Add as new Property called 'PSName','PSUsername','PSEmail'
            $decryptProps = @('Name','Username','Email')
            $allUsers | ForEach-Object -Process {
                foreach ($prop in $decryptProps) {
                    $_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "PS$prop" -NotePropertyValue $_vCServer.Decrypt($_.$prop)  
                # Add Domain as AliasProperty for ADDC
                $_ | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name Domain -Value ADDC

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Username") { # Filter by Username
                $allUsers = $allUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Username -contains $_.PSUsername}

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Name") { # Filter by Name
                $allUsers = $allUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Name -contains $_.PSName}

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Id") { # Filter by Id
                $allUsers = $allUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Id -contains $_.Id}

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Domain") { # Filter by Domain
                $allUsers = $allUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Domain -contains $_.Domain}

            $allUsers = if($ADUser) { $allUsers | Where-Object {$_.IsAdUser}} else { $allUsers }
            $allUsers = if($ADGroup) { $allUsers | Where-Object {$_.IsADGroup}} else { $allUsers }

            $allUsers | Add-GetVCServerMethod -VCServer $_vCServer

            # Output Users
            $allUsers | Write-Output

function Set-VCUser
    [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'localVCUser')]


        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'localVCUser')]


        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'localVCUser') 
            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Contains('Password')) {
                $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)
                $pwdStr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr)

        foreach ($_vCUser in $VCUser)
            $vcServer = $_vCUser.GetVCServer()
            $_vCUser.Email = if($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Contains('Email')) { $vcServer.Encrypt($Email) } else { $_vCUser.Email }
            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Contains('VCUserGroup')) {
                $VCUserGroup | ForEach-Object { [void]$_vCUser.Groups.Add($_.Id) }  

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Contains('Password')) {
                $vcServer.Permissions.UpdateUserPassword($_vCUser.Id, $pwdStr) | Out-Null

            if($vcServer.Permissions.UpdateUser($_vCUser)) {
                Get-VCUser -Id $_vCUser.Id | Write-Output

function Remove-VCUser

        foreach ($_vCUser in $VCUser) {
            $_vCUser.GetVCServer().Permissions.RemoveUser($_vCUser) | Write-Output

function Add-VCUser
    [CmdLetBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'localVCUser')]
            ParameterSetName = 'localVCUser')]

            ParameterSetName = 'localVCUser')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'localVCUser')]

            ParameterSetName = 'adUser')]




        [VisualCronAPI.Server[]]$VCServer = (Get-VCSelectedServer)

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'localVCUser') 
            $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)
            $pwdStr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr)

            $Name = if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Name') { $Name } else { $UserName }    

        foreach ($_vcServer in $VCServer)
            $userGroupsOK = $true
            foreach ($userGroup in $VCUserGroup) {
                if(-Not $_vcServer.Permissions.ContainsGroup($userGroup.Id)) {
                    Write-Error "Usergroup `"$($userGroup.Name)`" with Id `"$($userGroup.Id)`" does not exist on Server `"$($_vcServer.Name)`""
                    $userGroupsOK = $false

            if(-Not $userGroupsOK) { continue }

            if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'localVCUser')
                $alreadyExists = $null -ne ($_vcServer | Get-VCUser -UserName $UserName)
                if($alreadyExists) {
                    Write-Error "User with Username `"$UserName`" already exists on Server `"$($_vcServer.Name)`""

                $newUser = [VisualCron.SecUserClass]::new()
                $newUser.Name = $_vcServer.Encrypt($Name)
                $newUser.UserName = $_vcServer.Encrypt($UserName)
                $newUser.PassWord = $_vcServer.Encrypt($pwdStr)
                $newUser.Email = $_vcServer.Encrypt($Email)
                $newUser.Groups = $VCUserGroup.Id
                $_vcServer.Permissions.AddUser($newUser) | Out-Null
                $newUser = Get-VCUser -Id $newUser.Id
                if($newUser.Groups.Count -eq 0) {
                    Write-Warning "New User `"$Name`" is not part of any UserGroup and is pretty much useless in the current State.`nUse the Set-VCUser CmdLet to assign the User to a UserGroup"    
                $newUser | Write-Output
            elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'adUser')
                $adObj = Get-ADObj -SamAccountName $ADIdentity -Properties Name,GivenName,sn,SamAccountName,mail
                if(-Not $adObj) {
                    Write-Error "Can not resolve ADIdentity `"$ADIdentity`""

                $newUser = [VisualCron.SecUserClass]::new()
                $newUser.ADHostName = if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ADHostName') { $ADHostName } else { (Get-VCServerSetting).ADServer }
                $newUser.ADDC = $newUser.ADHostName.Split('.')[0]
                $newUser.IsADGroup = $adObj.Properties["objectclass"] -contains "group"
                $newUser.IsADUser = $adObj.Properties["objectclass"] -contains "user"
                $newUser.Email = if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Email') { $_vcServer.Encrypt($Email) } else { $_vcServer.Encrypt($adObj.Properties.mail) }
                $newUser.Groups = $VCUserGroup.Id

                if($newUser.IsADUser) {
                    ### NOT SUPPORTED YET
                    Write-Error "Only AD Groups are supported yet"
                    $newUser.Name = $_vcServer.Encrypt("[AD] $($adObj.Properties.givenname) $($")
                    $newUser.UserName = $_vcServer.Encrypt($adObj.Properties.samaccountname)
                    $newUser.InheritGroup = $false
                } else {
                    $newUser.Name = $_vcServer.Encrypt($
                    $newUser.UserName = $_vcServer.Encrypt([String]::Empty)
                    $newUser.ADGroup = $
                    $newUser.InheritGroup = $true

                $_vcServer.Permissions.UpdateUser($newUser) | Out-Null

                $newUser = Get-VCUser -Id $newUser.Id
                if($newUser.Groups.Count -eq 0) {
                    Write-Warning "New User `"$Name`" is not part of any UserGroup and is pretty much useless in the current State.`nUse the Set-VCUser CmdLet to assign the User to a UserGroup"    
                $newUser | Write-Output

function Copy-VCUser

        foreach ($_vCUser in $VCUser)
            $clone = $_vCUser.CloneType()
            $DestinationVCServer | ForEach-Object -Process {