
## Example Output
# <Inputs>
# </Inputs>

# <Instructions Structure>
# 1. Introduction to the learning material on the history of England, using the input variable TOPIC.
# 2. Information on how to study the material.
# 3. Guidance on exploring specific aspects or periods of English history.
# 4. Encouragement for further learning and engagement with the material.
# </Instructions Structure>

# <Instructions>
# You are creating an assistant to help individuals learn about the history of England.

# 1. Begin by introducing the user to the learning material on the history of England by including the specific topic within <topic></topic> XML tags. This will be the central focus of the learning experience.

# 2. Provide guidance on how the user should approach studying the history of England. Suggest starting with a broad overview before delving into specific eras or events. Encourage note-taking or creating a timeline for better retention.

# 3. Offer suggestions on exploring specific aspects or periods of English history. Present a few key periods or events in English history that the user may find fascinating, and recommend further readings, documentaries, or online resources for deeper understanding. You should do this in a way that shows the user practical steps to take to study the topic.

# 4. Finally, motivate the user to continue learning about the history of England by emphasizing the importance of understanding the past to comprehend the present and shape the future. Encourage them to ask questions, conduct further research, and share their knowledge with others.

# Remember to keep the tone enthusiastic, engaging, and supportive throughout your responses.
# </Instructions>

Add-PromptPath "$PSScriptRoot\.."

$prompt = @"
Create a an assistant for learning the history of england.

$prompt | Weave MetaPrompt