
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '../Import-LocalModule.ps1')

$isVerbose=($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')

$webConfigFile = Join-Path $script:FixturePath 'web.config'

$webConfigSections = @(

$testInput = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property @{
    physicalPath = $webConfigFile

Describe "Web.config file test" {
    It "Test-file Should exists" {
        $webConfigFile | Should Exist

    $xml = [xml](Get-Content $webConfigFile)
    It "Should be a valid XMLDocument" {
        $xml.GetType().Name | Should Be "XmlDocument"

    foreach($section in $webConfigSections) {
        It "Should have '$section' configuration section" {
            $xml.configuration.$section | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty

Describe "Get-PSWebConfig" {
    Context "Parameters input" {
        It "should accept -Path" {
            Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -AsXml -Verbose:$isVerbose |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty File |
            Should Be $webConfigFile

        It "should accept Path at 0 position" {
            Get-PSWebConfig $webConfigFile -AsXml -Verbose:$isVerbose |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty File |
            Should Be $webConfigFile

        It "should accept -InputObject" {
            Get-PSWebConfig -InputObject $testInput -AsXml -Verbose:$isVerbose |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty File |
            Should Be $testInput.physicalPath
    Context "Pipeline input" {
        It "should accept testInputObject" {
            $testInput |
            Get-PSWebConfig -AsXml -Verbose:$isVerbose |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty File |
            Should Be $testInput.physicalPath

        It "should accept FileInfo" {
            Get-Item $webConfigFile |
            Get-PSWebConfig -AsXml -Verbose:$isVerbose |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty File |
            Should Be $testInput.physicalPath
Describe "Get-PSWebConfig" {
    Context "Invalid Paths" {
        It "Should not return anything" {
            Get-PSWebConfig -Path 'clearly:\invalid\path\to_fail' -Verbose:$isVerbose |
            Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Context "Default XML output" {
        It "should return the XML object by default" {
            $defaultConfig = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $defaultConfig | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $defaultConfig.GetType().Name | Should Be 'XmlDocument'
            #$defaultConfig.OuterXml | Set-Content ./default.txt -Enc UTF8

            $xmlConfig = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -AsXml -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $xmlConfig | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $xmlConfig.GetType().Name | Should Be 'XmlDocument'
            #$xmlConfig.OuterXml | Set-Content ./xml.txt -Enc UTF8

            $defaultConfig.OuterXml | Should Be $xmlConfig.OuterXml

        It "should have PSWebConfig.WebConfig additional type" {
            $config = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $config | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $config.psobject.TypeNames -contains 'PsWebConfig.WebConfig' | Should Be $true

        It "Should be a valid XML Configuration" {
            $config = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $config.GetType().Name | Should Be 'XmlDocument'
            $config.configuration | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $config.configuration.GetType().Name | Should Be 'XmlElement'

    Context "AsFileInfo output" {
        It "should match the source File" {
            $config = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -AsFileInfo -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $config | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $config | Should Be $webConfigFile
            $config.GetType().Name | Should Be 'FileInfo'

        It "should find web.config in folders" {
            $config = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $script:FixturePath -AsFileInfo -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $config | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $config.FullName | Should Be $webConfigFile

    Context "Unencrypted text output" {
        It "should be the same XML string as the source file" {
            $config = Get-PSWebConfig -Path $webConfigFile -AsText -Verbose:$isVerbose
            $config | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $config.GetType().Name | Should Be 'String'

            $rawConfig = Get-Content -Path $webConfigFile

            #Convert both String to XML to strip unnessary whitespaces
            ([xml]$config).OuterXml  | Should Be ([xml]$rawConfig).OuterXml