
#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
Function Show-PSWebGUI

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Title="PoweShell Web GUI",


    # URL + PORT to use

    # Create virtual drive in root directory
    $fileserver=New-PSDrive -Name FileServer -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $DocumentRoot

    #region Favicon
                            FAVICON PROCESSING
        - $icon: string function parameter
        - $iconpath: Full absolute icon path used in WPF
        - $favicon: Relative icon path to $DocumentRoot, used in HTML (favicon)

    # First, test if icon path has been passed (as parameter)
    if ($icon -ne ""){
        # If icon path exists as absolute path (absolute path passed)
        if (Test-Path $icon){
            # $iconpath is icon path itself

            # $favicon is empty for now

            # If icon is inside $DocumentRoot, get relative path for favicon
            if ($icon.Contains($DocumentRoot)){

        # If icon path exists as relative to root (relative path passed)
        }elseif (Test-Path "$DocumentRoot/$icon"){
            # Get the absolute path for WPF
            $iconitem=get-item "$DocumentRoot/$icon"

            # $favicon is icon relative path itself


    #region Graphic interface
                          GRAPHIC INTERFACE (GUI)

    # If -NoWindow, dont create an internal WebBrowser
    if ($NoWindow -eq $false){

        # Create a scriptblock that waits for the server to launch and then opens a web browser control
        $UserWindow = {
            param ($url,$title,$iconpath)

                # Wait-ServerLaunch will continually repeatedly attempt to get a response from the URL before continuing
                function Wait-ServerLaunch

                    try {
                        $Test = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
                    { start-sleep -Milliseconds 500; Wait-ServerLaunch }


                # XAML
                [xml]$XAML = @'
                    Title="PoweShell Web GUI" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">
                        <WebBrowser Name="WebBrowser"></WebBrowser>

                #Read XAML
                $reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml) 
                $Form=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )

                # Set title and icon

                # WebBrowser navigate to localhost
                $WebBrowser = $Form.FindName("WebBrowser")

                # Show GUI
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                # Once the end user closes out of the browser we send the exit url to tell the server to shut down.
                (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($exiturl);
        # Create runspace for GUI
        $RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool()
        $RunspacePool.ApartmentState = "STA"
        $Jobs = @()
        # Create job and add to runspace
        $Job = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($UserWindow).AddArgument($url).AddArgument($title).AddArgument($iconpath)#.AddArgument($_)
        $Job.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
        $Jobs += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            RunNum = $_
            Pipe = $Job
            Result = $Job.BeginInvoke()



    #region Starting server
                               STARTING SERVER

    # Create HttpListener Object
    $SimpleServer = New-Object Net.HttpListener

    # Tell the HttpListener what port to listen on

    # Start up the server

    # Load bootstrap
    $bootstrap=Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\Assets\bootstrap.min.css"

    #Load CSS
    if ($CssUri -ne ""){
        $css=Get-Content $CssUri

    Write-Host "GUI started" -ForegroundColor Green


    #region Server requests
                            SERVER REQUETS
        - $Context.Request: Contains details about the request
        - $Context.Response: Is basically a template of what can be sent back to the browser
        - $Context.User: Contains information about the user who sent the request. This is useful in situations where authentication is necessary

        Write-Verbose "Listening for request"

        # Tell the server to wait for a request to come in on that port.
        $Context = $SimpleServer.GetContext()

        #Once a request has been captured the details of the request and the template for the response are created in our $context variable
        Write-Verbose "Context has been captured"

        # Sometimes the browser will request the favicon.ico which we don't care about. We just drop that request and go to the next one.
        if($Context.Request.Url.LocalPath -eq "/favicon.ico")

                    $Context = $SimpleServer.GetContext()

            }while($Context.Request.Url.LocalPath -eq "/favicon.ico")

        # Creating a friendly way to shutdown the server
        if($Context.Request.Url.LocalPath -eq "/exit")


            # If -NoWindow, dont close a non-existent Window
            if ($NoWindow -eq $false){




        #region Handly URLs
                                HANDLY URLS

        #region Header tags
        # If -NoHeadTags is set, do not display html header tags
        If ($NoHeadTags -eq $false){

            # Defining some meta tags
            $charset='<meta charset="utf-8">'
            $httpequiv='<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">'
            $viewport='<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">'
            $faviconlink="<link rel='shortcut icon' href='$favicon'>"

            # Make html head template
            $htmlhead="<!Doctype html>`n<html>`n<head>`n$charset`n$httpequiv`n$viewport`n$faviconlink`n<title>$title</title>`n$style`n</head>`n<body>`n"

            # Closing tags
            #region Method processing

            # POST processing
            if ($Context.Request.HasEntityBody){
                $request = $Context.Request
                $length = $request.contentlength64
                $buffer = new-object "byte[]" $length

                [void]$$buffer, 0, $length)
                $body = [system.text.encoding]::ascii.getstring($buffer)
                # Split post data
                $global:_POST = @{}
                $body.split('&') | ForEach-Object {
                    $part = $_.split('=')
                    $global:_POST.add($part[0], $part[1])

            # GET processing

                $global:_GET = $Context.Request.QueryString


            #region URL content processing

            # $localpath is the relative URL (/home, /user/support)

            # If $localpath is not a custom defined path in $InputObject, means it can be a filesystem path or a string
            if ($InputObject[$LocalPath] -eq $null){
                # $localpath is a file
                if (Test-Path "FileServer:$localpath" -PathType Leaf){
                    # Add type for [System.Web.MimeMapping] method
                    Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.Web"

                    # Convert the file content to bytes from path
                    $buffer = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path "FileServer:$localpath" -ReadCount 0

                    # Let the browser know the MIME type of content
                    $Context.Response.ContentType = [System.Web.MimeMapping]::GetMimeMapping($localpath)

                # $InputObject is a string and $localpath is in /
                }elseif (($InputObject -is [string]) -and ($localpath -eq '/')){
                    Write-Verbose "A [string] object was returned."
                    $result="$htmlhead $InputObject $htmlclosing"

                    $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($result)
                    $context.Response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length
                # $localpath is neither a file nor a defined route but is representing a path that its not found
                    $result="<html>`n<head>`n<title>404 Not found</title>`n<body>`n<h1>404 Not found</h1>`n</body>`n</html>"

                    $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($result)
                    $context.Response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length

            # $localpath is defined in $InputObject, so is not a filesystem path
                # Get the content or script defined for this path

                # Get the current title

                # Execute the scriptblock
                $result="$htmlhead $(.$routecontent)"

                # Add closing html tags

                # Convert the result to bytes from UTF8 encoded text
                $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Result)

                # Let the browser know how many bytes we are going to be sending
                $context.Response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length



        #region Send response and close
        Write-Verbose "Sending response of $Result"

        # Send the response back to the browser
        $context.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)

        # Close the response to let the browser know we are done sending the response

        Write-verbose $Context.Response



#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
function Format-Html {

    param (



    # Initializes variable that will contain the output of the pipeline command

    # Store each command output

        # If -Raw parameter is set, displays the command output directly
        if ($Raw){

        #region Process and stylize command output
                          Process and stylize command output

            # Convert command output object to CSV
            $csv=$result | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation

            # Get CSV object
            $csvobj=$csv | ConvertFrom-Csv

            # Get only property names (headers)

            #region Process switch parameters
                                  Process switch parameters

            if ($Darktable){

            }elseif ($Darkheader){

            if ($Striped){

            if ($Hover){

            #region Card layout
                                      Card layout

            if (($cards -ge 1) -and ($Cards -le 6)){
                "<div class='row row-cols-$Cards'>"

                # For each row in CSV displays a bootstrap card
                foreach ($obj in $csvobj){
                    "<div class='card col'>
                        <div class='card-body'>
                            <h5 class='card-title'>"
                            <p class='card-text'>"



            #region Table layout
                                      Table layout

                "<table class='table $tabledark $tablestriped $tablehover'>"
                "<thead $theaddark>"

                # Get all property names for table headers
                foreach ($header in $headers){


                # For each row in CSV add a table row
                foreach ($obj in $csvobj){

                    # For each CSV property name gets associated value (within a row)
                    foreach ($header in $headers){


#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
function Set-Title {
    param (

    # Write javascript to inmdiately change page title. Only in web browser


#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
function Set-GuiLocation{



#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
function Write-CredentialForm {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Title="Credential input",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Description="Enter your credential",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$UsernameLabel="Enter your username",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$PasswordLabel="Enter your pasword",

    Set-Title -Title $Title

    <div class='container'>
        <h2 class='mt-3'>$Title</h2>
        <form method='post' action=$action>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for='usernameInput'>$UsernameLabel</label>
                <input type='text' class='form-control' id='usernameInput' name='userName' autofocus>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for='passwordInput'>$PasswordLabel</label>
                <input type='password' class='form-control' id='passwordInput' name='Password'>
            <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>$SubmitLabel</button>


#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
function Get-CredentialForm {
    # Get username and password from form
    $password=ConvertTo-SecureString $_POST["Password"] -AsPlainText -Force

    # Create the credential psobject
    $credential= New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username,$password

    return $credential


#.ExternalHelp en-us\PSWebGui-help.xml
function Show-PSWebGUIExample{


    "/showProcesses" = {
        Set-Title -Title "Processes"
        "<div class='container-fluid'>
            <a href='/'>Main Menu</a>
            <form action='/filterProcesses'>Filter:<input Name='Name'></input></form>"

            Get-Process | Select-Object cpu,name | Format-Html -Striped -Darkheader -Hover

    "/filterProcesses" = {
        "<a href='/'>Main Menu</a>
        <form action='/filterProcesses'>Filter:<input Name='Name'></input></form>"

        Get-Process $_GET["Name"] | Select-Object cpu, name | Format-Html

    "/showServices" = {
        "<a href='/'>Main Menu</a>
        <form action='/filterServices' method='post'>Filter:<input Name='Name'></input></form>"

        Get-Service | Select-Object Name,Status | Format-Html -Cards 6

    "/filterServices" = {
        "<a href='/'>Main Menu</a>
        <form action='/filterServices' method='post'>Filter:<input Name='Name'></input></form>"

        Get-Service $_POST["Name"] | Select-Object Status,Name,DisplayName | Format-Html    

    "/showDate" = {"<a href='/'>Main Menu</a><br/>$(Get-Date | Format-Html -Raw)"}

        Write-CredentialForm -FormTitle "Login" -Action "/login"


        "<a href='/'>Main Menu</a>"
        $creds | Format-Html

    "/" = {
        "<div class='container-fluid'>
            <h1>My Simple Task Manager</h1>
            <a href='showProcesses'><h2>Show Running Processes</h2></a>
            <a href='/showServices'><h2>Show Running Services</h2></a>
            <a href='/showDate'><h2>Show current datetime</h2></a>
            <a href='/loginform'><h2>Login</h2></a>



Show-PSWebGUI -InputObject $routes -Icon "/panel.png" -Root "$PSScriptRoot\Assets"

return $routes



#region Function alias
Set-Alias -Name Start-PSGUI -Value Show-PSWebGUI
Set-Alias -Name Show-PSGUI -Value Show-PSWebGUI
Set-Alias -Name Start-GUI -Value Show-PSWebGUI
Set-Alias -Name Show-GUI -Value Show-PSWebGUI
Set-Alias -Name Show-WebGUI -Value Show-PSWebGUI
Set-Alias -Name Start-WebGUI -Value Show-PSWebGUI
Set-Alias -Name FH -Value Format-Html
Set-Alias -Name SGL -Value Set-GuiLocation

Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *